A chat example to showcase how to use 'socket.io' with a static 'express' server with 'async' for control flow.
Chat NodeJS
Download zip file and extract it latest release. Or clone the repository and cd into it.
Chat NodeJS uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
Install the dependencies and start the server.
cd chat_nodejs
node app.js
Reysmer Valle – @ReysmerWVR
Chat NodeJS is (c) 2020 Reysmer Valle (@ReysmerWVR) and may be freely distributed under the license-url. See the MIT-LICENSE
[//]: # (These are reference links used in the body of this note and get stripped out when the markdown processor does
its job. There is no need to format nicely because it shouldn’t be seen. Thanks SO - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4823468/store-comments-in-markdown-syntax)
[Node]: https://nodejs.org/en
[Express]: https://expressjs.com
[Socket.io]: https://socket.io