项目作者: sampoves

项目描述 :
shinyapps.io deployment of Sampo Vesanen's Master's thesis research survey visitor analysis application.
高级语言: R
项目地址: git://github.com/sampoves/thesis-visitors-shinyapps.git
创建时间: 2020-03-10T21:13:37Z



Research survey visitors analysis application, shinyapps.io deployment


This is the shinyapps.io deployment of the thesis research survey analysis application for visitor data, developed for Sampo Vesanen’s the University of Helsinki Master’s Thesis Parking private cars and spatial accessibility in Helsinki Capital Region – Parking time as a part of the total travel time.

View the application at: https://sampoves.shinyapps.io/visitors/

View the Master’s thesis data analysis workflow in this repository: https://github.com/sampoves/thesis-data-analysis

The thesis is available as PDF at the Digital Repository of the University of Helsinki: fi:hulib-202010304366">http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:hulib-202010304366

Application features

The application consists of two synchronised cumulative charts, which present 1) received survey responses and 2) first visits from an IP address to the survey application. The charts can be controlled by clicking and dragging the chart to zoom in on any time frame. The time frame can be controlled also from the general view located below the both charts. A doubleclick on the chart brings back the default views.

By default, the charts take 75 % of the screen width. This is satisfactory to most computer screens, but if on mobile, 100 % is probably the best. Use the slider with the text plot width (% of screen) to control the width of the charts.

For now, the best application user experience is attained on desktop computers, although some cursory testing has been done on Android operating systems.

This application was developed and tested in R for Windows 4.0.3. Essential software packages for this application were:

Package Version
Shiny 1.5.0
xts 0.12.1

Associated repositories

Primary repositories

Please find the other GitHub repositories important to this thesis in the table below.

Repository Description Web deployment
https://github.com/sampoves/thesis-data-analysis The thesis data analysis workflow, the main repository for all things programming in this thesis See below
https://github.com/sampoves/Masters-2020 The Master’s thesis in its original LaTeX format The Digital Repository of the University of Helsinki: fi:hulib-202010304366">http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:hulib-202010304366
https://github.com/sampoves/parking-in-helsinki-region The web based survey application Hosted by the author: https://parking-survey.socialsawblade.fi
https://github.com/sampoves/thesis-analysis-shinyapps shinyapps.io deployment of the survey data analysis and statistics application shinyapps.io: https://sampoves.shinyapps.io/analysis/
https://github.com/sampoves/thesis-comparison-shinyapps shinyapps.io deployment of the travel time comparison application shinyapps.io: https://sampoves.shinyapps.io/comparison/


During the process of creating the thesis, the following side products came into being:

Repository Description
https://github.com/sampoves/leaflet-map-survey-point A variant of the survey application. Users place points on the map instead of postal code areas
https://github.com/sampoves/msc-thesis-template A barebones LaTeX thesis template in the style required by Department of Geosciences and Geography in the University of Helsinki