项目作者: netresearch

项目描述 :
This extension adds autocompletion functionality for customer addresses to your shop frontend (checkout and customer account) using the Deutsche Post Direkt Autocomplete API 2.0.
高级语言: PHP
项目地址: git://github.com/netresearch/deutschepost-module-autocomplete-sw6.git
创建时间: 2020-04-29T13:04:18Z

开源协议:MIT License


NRLEJPostDirektAutocomplete - Shopware 6 Integration for Deutsche Post Direkt DATAFACTORY Autocomplete 2.0

This extension adds autocompletion functionality for customer addresses to your shop frontend
(checkout and customer account) using the Deutsche Post Direkt Autocomplete API 2.0.


  • Shopware 6.6.0 or newer
  • PHP >= 8.2
  • Contract with Deutsche Post Direkt GmbH for using the Autocomplete 2.0 API


From Community Store

You have bought the plugin in the Shopware community store. You manage your plugins from within your shop.

Please follow the
corresponding documentation.

You have bought the plugin in the Shopware community store and want to manage your shop’s plugins and dependencies with

Follow the Shopware Instruction Video to set up your shop for using

```shell script
composer require store.shopware.com/nrlejpostdirektautocomplete
bin/console plugin:refresh
bin/console plugin:install —activate —clearCache NRLEJPostDirektAutocomplete

  1. ### From [Packagist](https://packagist.org/)
  2. You are fine with having to install dependencies of the plugin yourself.
  3. Assuming, you are using the [Flex-Template](https://developer.shopware.com/docs/guides/installation/template), run the
  4. following commands from your shop's root directory:
  5. ```shell script
  6. composer require netresearch/postdirekt-autocomplete
  7. (cd vendor/netresearch/postdirekt-autocomplete/src/Resources/app/storefront && npm install)
  8. composer dump
  9. bin/console plugin:refresh
  10. bin/console plugin:install --activate --clearCache NRLEJPostDirektAutocomplete
  11. bin/build-js.sh

From GitHub

You are fine with having to install dependencies of the plugin yourself. You want to extend or adapt the extension to
your own needs.

Run the following command from your shop’s root directory:

shell script git clone git@github.com:netresearch/deutschepost-module-autocomplete-sw6 custom/plugins/NRLEJPostDirektAutocomplete

Then, continue as described in From Packagist.


  • Navigate to Administration > Settings > System > Plugins
  • Select ‘…’ in the “Deutsche Post Direkt Autocomplete” row and select “Config”
  • Check “Active”
  • Enter your credentials in the “API User” and “API Password” fields
  • Check “Active” in “House number hint” if the hint should be active
  • Navigate to Administration > Settings > Snippets to maintain postdirekt.autocomplete.housenumber_hint snippets


Netresearch DTT GmbH
