项目作者: maxbehr

项目描述 :
Add items to your CalDAV calendar with a click
高级语言: Vue
项目地址: git://github.com/maxbehr/caldav-grocery-shopper.git
创建时间: 2018-09-16T06:22:35Z



CalDAV Grocery Shoper

CalDAV Food Shopping List lets you easily add items to your CalDAV shopping list.

Managing your shopping list with a to do list on your CalDAV server is a simple and pragmatic way, especially when using proprietary software to deal with an easy topic such as managing a shopping list is no option for you.

Instead of typing over and over again the items you are going to buy during your weekly shopping trip, add multiple items to your calendar easily by clicking on them.

CalDAV Grocery Shopper assumes you already set up a CalDAV server and created a calendar with “to do” functionality.


  • Rename .env.example to .env and replace the values for your CalDAV configuration appropriately:

    3. VUE_APP_DAV_SERVER=https://baz
    4. VUE_APP_DAV_CALENDAR_NAME=grocerylist
  • Rename the groceries.example.json to groceries.json and fill it with all the groceries you usually buy:

Setup and building

  1. npm install # Project setup
  2. npm run serve # Compiles and hot-reloads for development
  3. npm run build # Compiles and minifies for production

To do

  • Check grocery image by item name, fallback: default image
  • Fixed basket
  • Media Queries
  • Subtypes of items
  • Batch request for multiple items
  • Show basket items on startup
  • Improve search and add of items
  • Deselect items on click, instead of adding it
  • Filter items by category
  • “n times” summary for entry that was added multiple times
  • Removable items