项目作者: huwdp

项目描述 :
An RPN calculator.
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/huwdp/HCalc.git
创建时间: 2016-03-18T17:29:46Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v2.0




HCalc is a Reverse Polish notation calculator built to research how mathematics expressions can be parsed and calculated. This project was going to start out as a calculator and eventually turn into an interpreter but did not. HuwInterpreter was created instead. I made this project in my spare time as someone wanted me to learn how infix to postfix and postfix evaluation works in the past so I created this project.




  1. sudo apt-get install git g++ qt5-qmake make qt5-base qt5-dev qtcreator
  2. cd HCalc
  3. qmake
  4. make
  5. cd ../home/huw/build-HCalc-Desktop-XXXXX.

Replace XXXXX with build folder type i.e. Debug or Release.


GNU General Public License v2.0. See license.txt for more information.

Project status

This project might be expanded upon in the future. The system is just meant to give an example of how the shunting algorithm (infix to postfix and postfix evaluation) works.