项目作者: doublechenching

项目描述 :
orienting to ultrasound image, model ultrasound image quality and decrease detected false positive disease candidate in shadow area
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/doublechenching/UltrasondConfienceMap.git
创建时间: 2018-10-17T07:25:15Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0



orienting to ultrasound image, model ultrasound image quality and decrease detected false positive disease candidate in shadow area
our code refer to the paper of Karamalis, Athanasios, et al., in this paper[^1], author inspired by the random walker, so my implement refer the python code of random walker segmentation in scipy

2d randolm walks

3d random walks

3d random walks

2d confidence map

3d confidence map

3d confidence map

3d condidence map decrease false positive tumor candidate

green label is false positive tumor candidate in the shadow of ultrasound image, red is positive tumor candidate.

3d reconstruction confidence map

[^1]:Karamalis A, Wein W, Klein T, et al. Ultrasound confidence maps using random walks[J]. Medical image analysis, 2012, 16(6): 1101-1112.