[DEPRECATED] This is end of life and not maintained. Migrate to https://github.com/gpslab/shmop
Shmop is a simple and small abstraction layer for shared memory manipulation using PHP
Pretty simple with Composer, run:
composer require anime-db/shmop
Creating new block
use AnimeDb\Shmop\FixedBlock;
$sh = new FixedBlock(0xFF /* id for memory block */, 3 /* memory block size */);
echo $sh->read(); // print 'foo'
Reading an existing block
use AnimeDb\Shmop\FixedBlock;
$sh = new FixedBlock(0xFF, 3);
// print contents of memory block. if block is not exists prints a blank line
echo $sh->read();
This bundle is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the file: LICENSE