🛍️ How to build a shop system for your Unity game using only C#
Before getting into it, I would like to talk more about myself and why I ended up doing this project. Currently I’m a Analysis and Systems
Development student and I’m studying programming for almost 3 years now, since I was a kid I have a addiction for games of any kinds,
from the most simple mobile games from the triple A’s ones. With this situation, I thought I should combine these two things, so after some search
on the internet I decided to download the Unity Engine and start playing with it. As the language I was most familiar with was Java, programming with C# wouldn’t be a problem,
and from the very beginning I was loving it, as a kid having no clue about how the game I was playing were made and now doing my own one however simple it
may be. At the beginning the progress was slow and sometimes I felt like quiting, learning a new tool from scratch is not easy at all, but the desire to fulfill
a goal that I set myself was much bigger than anything, and after some time I was getting more familiar with it (although errors continue to appear). As soon as
I finished my first game logic (a mobile game by the way), I had to thing in ways of making people more interested in it, like… a shop system. I had a lot of ideas
but had no clue about how to implement it, and after a lot of searching and studying, I still couldn’t make it. Besides not finding exactly what I was looking for and the ones I found
was too much advanced for my level, but after many, many mistakes… I DID IT. I finally ended up with a pretty consistent system and I made it as simple as I could and I felt
obligated to share it and try to help any programmer in the same situation as I was.
Meet my first project: