A kotlin media analyzer library that utilizes FFprobe and Mediainfo and merges their results into one data model.
A media analyzer lib that utilizes FFprobe and Mediainfo
and merges the result into one data model.
Make sure FFprobe and MediaInfo are installed on your machine or image.
Add the lib as a dependency to your build.gradle
run ./gradlew check
for unit tests and code quality checks
Integration tests can be skipped by running ./gradlew check -PrunIntegrationTest=false
if you do not have ffmpeg & mediainfo installed.
If you have questions, concerns, bug reports, etc, please file an issue in this repository’s Issue Tracker.
This project is very much a work in progress so all kinds of feedback are welcome, bug reports,
feature requests etc are welcome. Details on how to contribute can be found in CONTRIBUTING.
This software is released under the:
Copyright 2020 Sveriges Television AB
SVT Videocore team videocore@teams.svt.se