Wandering Trader Spigot Plugin
Spigot Plugin to reimplement Vanilla Tweaks Wandering Trades datapack as spigot plugin with additional functionality.
Plugin adds three new category of trades to the Wandering Traders
By default, the Wandering Trader will add between 1 and 3 player heads for trade (assuming your server has that many players), and 5-8 miniture blocks. Each trade costs 1 Emerald. The miniblocks also require the full size block as part of the payment. For the trade, the player will receive 1 player head per trade, maxing out at 3, and 8 miniblocks per trade, with only 1 trade per available trade possible.
The player heads available for trade are taken from 4 places (in the default configuration, only 1 is able to be turned off), in the following order:
The first 3 options check for duplicates using UUID, this is not possible with the last option.
This file controls the global settings. The defaults are:
enabled: true
payment: EMERALD
price: 1
max: 3
min: 1
quantity: 3
stacksize: 1
extraheads: true
percentchance: 100
enabled: true
requireblock: true
payment: EMERALD
price: 1
max: 8
min: 5
quantity: 1
stacksize: 8
percentchance: 100
enabled: true
payment: EMERALD
price: 1
max: 3
min: 1
quantity: 3
stacksize: 1
percentchance: 100
enabled: true
payment: EMERALD
price: 1
max: 3
min: 1
quantity: 3
stacksize: 1
percentchance: 100
enabled: true
payment: EMERALD
price: 1
max: 3
min: 1
quantity: 3
stacksize: 1
percentchance: 100
combine: 2
max: 3
min: 1
percentchance: 100
quantity: 3
The sections control the settings for playerheads (heads) and the miniblocks, hostile mob heads, passive mob heads, neutral mob heads and combined (whether or not to combine mob/player heads).
The settings individually are:
|Setting Name|Description|Applies to|
|enabled|Controls whether or not that type of trade is enabled|all|
|payment|What item is used for payment, this must be an exact match to something in the Spigot Materials list|heads|
|price|How many of the payment items are required for the trade|heads and miniblocks|
|max|The maximum number of potential trades that will be added of this type to a single Wandering Trader|all|
|min|The minimum number of potential trades that will be added of this type to a single Wandering Trader|all|
|quantity|The number of items the Wandering Trader carriers without needing to restock|all|
|stacksize|The number of items received in a single trade|heads and miniblocks|
|extraheads|Enable extra heads from the playerheads.yml config file|heads|
|requireblock|Require a full block as part of the payment to acquire a miniblock|miniblock|
|combine|Determines if Playerheads, Hostile Mob heads, Passive Mob heads, and Neutral Mob heads are combined|miniblock|
The settings data types:
|Setting Name|Data type|Applies to|
|payment| Material|heads|
The combine setting can be set to:
|0|Do not combine any categories|
|1|Combine player heads, hostile mob heads, neutral mob heads and passive mob heads|
|2|Combine only hostile mob heads, passive mob heads and neutral mob heads|
This file controls the configuration of each miniblock. You can add any number of additional blocks by adding new blocks in the following format:
name: Name To Display to Players
texture: 36d1fabdf3e342671bd9f95f687fe263f439ddc2f1c9ea8ff15b13f1e7e48b9
block: Material
block_quantity: 1
enabled: true
The settings individually are:
|Setting Name|Description|
|name|Descriptive name that displays to players|
|texture|Identified from textures.minecraft.net/texture url|
|block|Block that will need to traded as part of the purchase|
|block_quantity|Number of blocks that will be needed as part of the trade|
|enabled|Enable/disable the individual block|
The texture identified is taken from a minecraft.net textures URL. An example would be:
With this example, the identifier is:
These textures can be searched for on Minecraft-Heads.com. The identifier is listed as the last item on any head page.
I will not accept pull requests for non-vanilla blocks
The settings data types:
|Setting Name|Data type|
These files control the configuration of extrahead player heads and mob heads. You can add any number of additional player heads by adding new heads in the following format:
name: Player Name displayed to Players
texture: ee9640186a709377881009848ec7ebda819eb18c4e5967ae1d0ac7146afb4b4e
enabled: true
The settings individually are:
|Setting Name|Description|
|name|Descriptive name that displays to players|
|texture|Identified from textures.minecraft.net/texture url|
|enabled|Enable/disable the individual block|
The texture identified is taken from a minecraft.net textures URL. An example would be:
With this example, the identifier is:
These textures can be searched for on Minecraft-Heads.com. The identifier is listed as the last item on any head page.
I will not accept pull requests for player heads
The settings data types:
|Setting Name|Data type|