项目作者: loudambiance

项目描述 :
Wandering Trader Spigot Plugin
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/loudambiance/UsefulWanderingTrader.git
创建时间: 2020-04-15T04:18:51Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


This project is no longer maintained, more robust plugins exist.

MC1.16 Builds/badge.svg)" class="reference-link">UsefulWanderingTrader MC1.15 Builds MC1.16 Builds/badge.svg)

Spigot Plugin to reimplement Vanilla Tweaks Wandering Trades datapack as spigot plugin with additional functionality.

Plugin adds three new category of trades to the Wandering Traders

  • Player Heads (Players from your server)
  • Player Heads (Any custom head)
  • Miniblocks

By default, the Wandering Trader will add between 1 and 3 player heads for trade (assuming your server has that many players), and 5-8 miniture blocks. Each trade costs 1 Emerald. The miniblocks also require the full size block as part of the payment. For the trade, the player will receive 1 player head per trade, maxing out at 3, and 8 miniblocks per trade, with only 1 trade per available trade possible.

The player heads available for trade are taken from 4 places (in the default configuration, only 1 is able to be turned off), in the following order:

  • Offline Players (all players who have ever logged into your server
  • Whitelist Players (if your server has an enabled whitelist)
  • OPs List (if your server has enabled ops)
  • playerheads.yml (extraheads, this can be turned off in config.yml, and individual heads can be turned on/off in playerheads.yml)

The first 3 options check for duplicates using UUID, this is not possible with the last option.



This file controls the global settings. The defaults are:

  1. heads:
  2. enabled: true
  3. payment: EMERALD
  4. price: 1
  5. max: 3
  6. min: 1
  7. quantity: 3
  8. stacksize: 1
  9. extraheads: true
  10. percentchance: 100
  11. miniblocks:
  12. enabled: true
  13. requireblock: true
  14. payment: EMERALD
  15. price: 1
  16. max: 8
  17. min: 5
  18. quantity: 1
  19. stacksize: 8
  20. percentchance: 100
  21. hostileheads:
  22. enabled: true
  23. payment: EMERALD
  24. price: 1
  25. max: 3
  26. min: 1
  27. quantity: 3
  28. stacksize: 1
  29. percentchance: 100
  30. passiveheads:
  31. enabled: true
  32. payment: EMERALD
  33. price: 1
  34. max: 3
  35. min: 1
  36. quantity: 3
  37. stacksize: 1
  38. percentchance: 100
  39. neutralheads:
  40. enabled: true
  41. payment: EMERALD
  42. price: 1
  43. max: 3
  44. min: 1
  45. quantity: 3
  46. stacksize: 1
  47. percentchance: 100
  48. combined:
  49. combine: 2
  50. max: 3
  51. min: 1
  52. percentchance: 100
  53. quantity: 3

The sections control the settings for playerheads (heads) and the miniblocks, hostile mob heads, passive mob heads, neutral mob heads and combined (whether or not to combine mob/player heads).

The settings individually are:
|Setting Name|Description|Applies to|
|enabled|Controls whether or not that type of trade is enabled|all|
|payment|What item is used for payment, this must be an exact match to something in the Spigot Materials list|heads|
|price|How many of the payment items are required for the trade|heads and miniblocks|
|max|The maximum number of potential trades that will be added of this type to a single Wandering Trader|all|
|min|The minimum number of potential trades that will be added of this type to a single Wandering Trader|all|
|quantity|The number of items the Wandering Trader carriers without needing to restock|all|
|stacksize|The number of items received in a single trade|heads and miniblocks|
|extraheads|Enable extra heads from the playerheads.yml config file|heads|
|requireblock|Require a full block as part of the payment to acquire a miniblock|miniblock|
|combine|Determines if Playerheads, Hostile Mob heads, Passive Mob heads, and Neutral Mob heads are combined|miniblock|

The settings data types:
|Setting Name|Data type|Applies to|
|payment| Material|heads|

The combine setting can be set to:
|0|Do not combine any categories|
|1|Combine player heads, hostile mob heads, neutral mob heads and passive mob heads|
|2|Combine only hostile mob heads, passive mob heads and neutral mob heads|


This file controls the configuration of each miniblock. You can add any number of additional blocks by adding new blocks in the following format:

  1. unique_block_name:
  2. name: Name To Display to Players
  3. texture: 36d1fabdf3e342671bd9f95f687fe263f439ddc2f1c9ea8ff15b13f1e7e48b9
  4. block: Material
  5. block_quantity: 1
  6. enabled: true

The settings individually are:
|Setting Name|Description|
|name|Descriptive name that displays to players|
|texture|Identified from textures.minecraft.net/texture url|
|block|Block that will need to traded as part of the purchase|
|block_quantity|Number of blocks that will be needed as part of the trade|
|enabled|Enable/disable the individual block|

The texture identified is taken from a minecraft.net textures URL. An example would be:
With this example, the identifier is:
These textures can be searched for on Minecraft-Heads.com. The identifier is listed as the last item on any head page.

I will not accept pull requests for non-vanilla blocks
The settings data types:
|Setting Name|Data type|

playerheads.yml, neutralmobheads.yml, passivemobheads.yml, hostilemobheads.yml

These files control the configuration of extrahead player heads and mob heads. You can add any number of additional player heads by adding new heads in the following format:

  1. unique_player_name:
  2. name: Player Name displayed to Players
  3. texture: ee9640186a709377881009848ec7ebda819eb18c4e5967ae1d0ac7146afb4b4e
  4. enabled: true

The settings individually are:
|Setting Name|Description|
|name|Descriptive name that displays to players|
|texture|Identified from textures.minecraft.net/texture url|
|enabled|Enable/disable the individual block|

The texture identified is taken from a minecraft.net textures URL. An example would be:
With this example, the identifier is:
These textures can be searched for on Minecraft-Heads.com. The identifier is listed as the last item on any head page.

I will not accept pull requests for player heads
The settings data types:
|Setting Name|Data type|