项目作者: RoyJames

项目描述 :
A list of publicly available room impulse response datasets and scripts to download them.
高级语言: Shell
项目地址: git://github.com/RoyJames/room-impulse-responses.git
创建时间: 2021-03-19T20:04:10Z




A list of publicly available acoustic/room impulse response (AIR/RIR) datasets. Currently this repo only tracks real-world recorded room impulse responses. Datasets included here may contain other data (e.g., speech, noise) in addition to RIRs. But this repo only describes the datasets about their RIR contents below. While there may be other webpages (if not outdated) that list some of the RIR datasets, this repo provides a brief description about the content of each dataset so you don’t have to download and inspect them one by one before realizing it is not what you desire.

This repo also provides some scripts for downloading datasets if possible. Some dataset may require registration to download, which we may not provide download links directly. Only rows marked with a :heavy_check_mark: are directly downloadable by running ./get_all_rirs.sh [destination folder].

For getting spatial RIRs in ambisonic format (i.e., .sofa), please refer to another dedicated website).

Name Content Year Paper/Document In script
GTU-RIR GTU-RIR dataset, comprises more than 15,000 room impulse responses (RIRs). To collect this dataset, we developed a semi-automated sound recording system, and the entire process of constructing this system and extracting the RIRs is thoroughly explained in our GitHub repository(https://github.com/mehmetpekmezci/gtu-rir) 2024 /g/personal/mpekmezci_gtu_edu_tr/Ec9dwMtiymlOuu_NSv5yT0YBeLwiFk8lwdhBpWrSCtPcZg?e=Xu50ok">GTU-RIR - Gebze Technical Universiry Room Impulse Response Dataset for Acoustic Learning :heavy_check_mark:
MIRACLE The MIRACLE dataset contains a total of 856,128 single-channel impulse responses acquired across four different measurement scenarios with a planar 64-channel microphone array. A regular grid of 64 × 64 source locations was sampled for two different source plane to microphone array distances. The dataset also contains measurements on a densely sampled 33 × 33 grid for the short distance, as well as measurements with the presence of a reflective panel. 2023 MIRACLE - Microphone Array Impulse Response Dataset for Acoustic Learning :heavy_check_mark:
SoundCam It includes 5,000 10-channel real-world measurements of room impulse responses and 2,000 10-channel recordings of music in three different rooms, including a controlled acoustic lab, an in-the-wild living room, and a conference room, with different humans in positions throughout each room. 2023 SoundCam: A Dataset for Tasks in Tracking and Identifying Humans from Real Room Acoustics :heavy_check_mark:
Arni 132,037 RIRs measured using 5342 configurations of 55 acoustic panels in the variable acoustics laboratory Arni at Acoustics Lab of Aalto University. 2022 Calibrating the Sabine and Eyring formulas
Motus 3,320 higher-order Ambisonic RIRs measured using an Eigenmike em32, 4 loudspeaker positions, and 830 furniture configurations inside a single room at Acoustics Lab of Aalto University. Spherical photographs and 3D models are available for each measurement. 2021 A dataset of higher-order Ambisonic room impulse responses and 3D models measured in a room with varying furniture
dEchorate 1800 annotated RIRs obtained from 6 arrays of 5 microphones each, 6 sound sources and 11 different acoustic conditions. 2021 dEchorate: a Calibrated Room Impulse Response Dataset for Echo-aware Signal Processing
MeshRIR 4410 mono RIRs recorded in very dense grids in a moderately reverberant room with accurate coordinates. 2021 MeshRIR: A Dataset of Room Impulse Responses on Meshed Grid Points For Evaluating Sound Field Analysis and Synthesis Methods
BUT Reverb Database 1300+ mono channel RIRs recorded in 8 rooms 2019 Building and evaluation of a real room impulse response dataset :heavy_check_mark:
MIT IR Survey 271 mono channel RIRs all recorded in distinct places 2016 Statistics of natural reverberation enable perceptual separation of sound and space :heavy_check_mark:
ACE Challenge {1,2,3,5,8,32} channel RIRs recorded in 7 rooms 2015 The ACE challenge — Corpus description and performance evaluation
Multichannel Impulse Response Database 234 8-channel RIRs recorded in the same room with 3 levels of reverberation and different microphone array spacings 2014 Multichannel audio database in various acoustic environments :heavy_check_mark:
REVERB Challenge 24 8-channel RIRs recorded in small, medium, and large rooms 2013 The reverb challenge: A common evaluation framework for dereverberation and recognition of reverberant speech :heavy_check_mark:
OpenAIR Ambisonic B format RIRs recorded in over 46 (still increasing) environments 2010 Openair: An interactive auralization web resource and database :heavy_check_mark:
C4DM RIR database 468 mono or ambisonic B format RIRs recorded in 3 large environments 2010 Database of Omnidirectional and B-Format Impulse Responses
Aachen impulse response database 344 binaural RIRs measured with a dummy head in 5 environments including a church 2009 A Binaural Room Impulse Response Database for the Evaluation of Dereverberation Algorithms :heavy_check_mark:
RWCP Sound Scene Database 143 multi-channel RIRs recorded in 14 rooms 2000 Sound scene data collection in real acoustical environments :heavy_check_mark:


Collecting real-world impulse responses is not easy. This repo tries to keep up with new real-world datasets available through volunteers. If you know publicly available datasets that are not listed here, you are welcome to create a pull request by adding a new entry to the list (and optionally the script to download & organize it). When writing the description, please highlight how many IRs and environments and what channel format are invovled in this dataset.


Please properly cite whichever datasets you use in your paper. It would be great if you can also provide a link to this page (e.g., as a footnote, not a citation) so that others may find it useful.