An optimised implementation of the tau statistic (relative prevalence ratio form), originally from R's IDSpatialStats package.
An optimised implementation of the tau statistic (relative prevalence ratio form), originally from R’s IDSpatialStats
package. Under the GPL-3.0 license please reference this cite-able resource DoI:10.5281/zenodo.2552849.
I was evaluating the ‘elevated prevalence’ form of the tau statistic [Lessler et al] as we had data on the underlying population (i.e. non-cases as well as cases) containing months of disease onset ti and UTM coordinates of their household (xi,yi). I optimised the implementation of the tau statistic from the development repo of the
function, leading to a ~76x speedup.
which is the ratio of the prevalence of any case j which is related (zij = 1, else 0) to any case i, within an annulus region (radii d1,d2) around case i, versus the same but at any dij distance separation (including none i.e. dij=0).
Where the prevalence is estimated as:
which is the proportion of related case pairs within a specified distance versus the same for any pairs (irrespective of relatedness or being a case), for N people with indicator function 1(⋅). There is a minor correction here versus the original by [Lessler et al] is that we use half-closed distance intervals which was updated by @gilesjohnr on 17 Dec 2018 in their most recent 2782d6d commit.
The relatedness of a case pair zij, is determined here using temporal information, if then z_ij=1 else 0.
Rather than running IDSpatialStats::get.tau()
function in an R script as described by ?get.tau()
, I isolated the C function responsible (get_tau
on line 403 from spatialfuncs.c
source file for the 2782d6d commit), coded the four features summarised below, then ran it in an R script by sourcing it with Rcpp::sourceCpp()
and then calling getTau()
without needing library(IDSpatialStats)
on lines 6-10. I have provided commented R script file run_get_tau.R
(in the root) and the C file get_tau.cpp
(in the /src of the package) containing useful comments.
Previously: Previously the R function get.tau()
would call the get_tau()
C function on lines 403-449 (and internally get_pi()
on line 427). My getTau()
function skips that step for easier reading here, not contributing to the speedup; so in essence the heart of the code isolated was described by get_pi()
on lines 64-148. get_pi()
has 3 nested loops: over distance windows, then a double loop for paired links between people. The slowdown occurs at lines 126-129 where the R function Rfun
is called within C for each of the i
loop evaluations.
Change: Formulate Rfun
within getTau
. I think this is relatively easy for an R user as if their Rfun
was a simple if-else loop to choose between the cases {1,2,3} (for the three options of the numerator or denominator counts; ‘cases’ don’t mean ill people here!), then it should be pretty similar in C.
Previously: In the sum over all people the same link will be visited twice ie i->j and j->i but this isn’t necessary as is symmetric to i,j switching due to the modulus function. In most temporally-related or serotype-shared scenarios the pairs are undirected and so the summation should really be ‘upper triangular’ style i.e.
Change: Understandably by halving the loop we get a ~2x speedup.
Previously: The standard compiler flags are ‘-O2’ and it is unclear if the loops were fully vectorised given the if(...) continue;
statements within them.
Change: Since the first version I have built the .cpp file into a minimal package using Rcpp::Rcpp.package.skeleton()
with empty description and help files. The purpose is that the configure file can set the ‘g++’ compiler flags to utilise ‘-O3’ optimisation and ‘-mavx2’ vectorisation which is common in CPU architectures; to tweak to your architecture please read How to change and set Rcpp compile arguments. All if()
statements in the inner loops have been replaced with boolean arithmetic. Also reduced the data types of some int
and double
data matrix into multiple vectors (~20% speedup)Previously: posmat
is the matrix argument that gets fed into get.tau()
. As the loops sequentially go through i
, j
& k
, if posmat is large columnwise then the next row’s value in memory may not be that close to the current location and this extra memory access time will add delays.
Change: Using vectors for each variable guarantees that the next observation for a variable will be next in memory.
(negligible speedup)Previously: To calculate the distance separation d_ij a Euclidean distance was calculated.
Change: Working with squared distance ranges can make sqrt()
Although I have found enormous speedup improvements (constructing 500 bootstrapped percentile confidence intervals can take tens of hours for a real dataset of 16,000 people) there is still an important role for the IDSpatialStats package in tau statistic calculations. The main speedup comes from writing the R Rfun
function in C, but this requires additional user intervention and good understanding of the tau statistic. So one has to abandon IDSpatialStats entirely which completely defeats its purpose of ease and is not feasible for some users. Given the novelty of this recent statistic, the R package serves an important role for first-time users and those who need to easily compute the tau statistic for a relatively small dataset. This code is also for one form of the statistic while the R package offers much functionality besides.
Unfortunately I can’t share the dataset but can describe what you need:
for sourceCpp()
. IDSpatialStats
isn’t required.matrix
-type object with columns named: “ORIG_ID”; “x”; “y”; “onset” and no missing data. For non-cases, the “onset” column should be numerically coded as -999.for(i){}
loop for i in get_tau.cpp
. I tried to no avail using ‘RcppArmadillo’ to enable #pragma omp parallel for
within get_tau.cpp
as there are concerns that Rcpp
alone can’t deal with OpenMP. Applying #pragma omp simd
to the loops after the compiler optimisations above gave no speed improvement; there were difficulties applying it since although the for loop over i goes from 1 to N the nested j loop is of different length which depends on i.gpuArray
class or ArrayFire. My only reservation is the code would need adapting so the distance matrix is calculated on-the-fly only once rather than over the k-loop for the size of the radius intervals required. This would help reduce the amount of GPU device memory accesses from the GPU cores. HopkinsIDD/IDSpatialStats
(development repo for R’s IDSpatialStats package) maintained by @jlessler and @gilesjohnr. Code from the CRAN read-only mirror hasn’t been used as it is several months behind the development repo.