Split FITS files
extracts headers and data from a FITS file. Extracted chunks are written sequentially (*.part_{0,1,2,3,...}
). The *.part_map
produced by this program during the extraction process can also be used to recombine the exploded file segments.
CFITSIO is a full-featured library and has quite a few system dependencies. splitfits
extracts raw FITS data at logical boundaries within the file. Basic fread()
and fwrite()
calls are sufficient for this task.
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
$ make
$ make check
$ make install
$ sed "s/@GIT_VERSION@/$(git describe --always --long --tags)/" version.h.in > version.h
$ cc -o splitfits splitfits.c
$ ./test.sh
$ install -m 755 splitfits /usr/local/bin
usage: splitfits [-o DIR] [-c] {FILE(s)}
-h --help This message
-c --combine Reconstruct original file using .part_map data
-o --outdir Path where output files are stored
-V --version Display version
$ splitfits sample.fits
Map: ./sample.fits.part_map
Writing: ./sample.part_0
Writing: ./sample.part_1
Writing: ./sample.part_2
Writing: ./sample.part_3
$ splitfits -c sample.fits.part_map
Map: sample.fits.part_map
Reading: sample.part_0
Reading: sample.part_1
Reading: sample.part_2
Reading: sample.part_3
Writing: ./sample.fits
$ ls -lrSF
total 4816
drwxr-xr-x 2 human human 4096 Jun 16 13:45 split/
drwxr-xr-x 2 human human 4096 Jun 16 13:45 combine/
-rw-r--r-- 1 human human 699840 Jun 16 13:45 sample1.fits
-rw-r--r-- 1 human human 4219200 Jun 16 13:45 sample2.fits
# Split files and store the results in the "split" directory
$ splitfits -o split sample*.fits
Map: split/sample1.fits.part_map
Writing: split/sample1.part_0
Writing: split/sample1.part_1
Writing: split/sample1.part_2
Writing: split/sample1.part_3
Map: split/sample2.fits.part_map
Writing: split/sample2.part_0
Writing: split/sample2.part_1
Writing: split/sample2.part_2
Writing: split/sample2.part_3
# Examine the split data
$ ls -l split/
total 4828
-rw-r--r-- 1 human human 109 Jun 16 13:46 sample1.fits.part_map
-rw-r--r-- 1 human human 23040 Jun 16 13:46 sample1.part_0
-rw-r--r-- 1 human human 642240 Jun 16 13:46 sample1.part_1
-rw-r--r-- 1 human human 28800 Jun 16 13:46 sample1.part_2
-rw-r--r-- 1 human human 5760 Jun 16 13:46 sample1.part_3
-rw-r--r-- 1 human human 114 Jun 16 13:46 sample2.fits.part_map
-rw-r--r-- 1 human human 11520 Jun 16 13:46 sample2.part_0
-rw-r--r-- 1 human human 4196160 Jun 16 13:46 sample2.part_1
-rw-r--r-- 1 human human 8640 Jun 16 13:46 sample2.part_2
-rw-r--r-- 1 human human 2880 Jun 16 13:46 sample2.part_3
# Reconstruct the files using -c and store them in the "combine" directory
$ splitfits -o combine -c split/*.part_map
Map: split/sample1.fits.part_map
Reading: split/sample1.part_0
Reading: split/sample1.part_1
Reading: split/sample1.part_2
Reading: split/sample1.part_3
Writing: combine/sample1.fits
Map: split/sample2.fits.part_map
Reading: split/sample2.part_0
Reading: split/sample2.part_1
Reading: split/sample2.part_2
Reading: split/sample2.part_3
Writing: combine/sample2.fits
# Examine the combined data
$ ls -l combine
total 4808
-rw-r--r-- 1 human human 699840 Jun 16 13:47 sample1.fits
-rw-r--r-- 1 human human 4219200 Jun 16 13:47 sample2.fits
# Check the results
$ (diff sample1.fits combine/sample1.fits && echo SAME) || echo DIFFERENT
$ (diff sample2.fits combine/sample2.fits && echo SAME) || echo DIFFERENT
When the primary header borders an XTENSION
header with no data separating them, the loop responsible for setting the next .part_N
file generates a zero-length file. This behavior is mitigated by automatically skipping over such segments as they are detected. Do not be alarmed, however, if you observe a gap in the .part_N
file names (.part_0
, …, .part_2
, .part_3
). The correct number of files and their names are recorded in the .part_map