HANDY - Handy tool for spectra normalization
HANDY is interactive Python3 program for spectrum normalization. The normalization process is based on “regions” and “ranges”. “Ranges” are continuum parts defined manually by user (or uploaded from file from previous program run) which will be used for continuum level fit. “Regions” are groups of ranges for whom single chebyshev polynomial of chosen order is fitted. Polynomial fits are connected with the use of Akima’a spline interpolation. The program offers graphical access to theoretical grid of spectra for obtaining an idea about processed star atmosphere parameters and interface for radial velocity correction. Different grids of spectra can be easly added by the user.
Key Features •
Prerequisites •
Download •
Installing •
Tutorial •
License •
Two steps:
git clone https://github.com/RozanskiT/HANDY.git
You need Python3 with all needed packages.
The easiest way to work with HANDY is with Conda enviroment manager:
Run in HANDY catalog, eg. ~/repos/HANDY/
conda env create -f environment.yml
Activate the HANDY-env enviroment:
source activate HANDY-env
Verify if enviroment is installed correctly:
conda list
Now you have to clone submodule VidmaPy by calling (from HANDY catalogue):
git submodule update --init
It should clone the vidmapy in to HANDY/vidmapy. The next step is the installation of VidmaPy that enable HANDY to use ATLAS/SYNTHE. To install the vidmapy in HANDY-env environment (you want that), you need to follow the description from VidmaPy README.
Shortly speaking:
pip install .
After that you may want to make symbolic link in your ~/bin/ directory to HANDY.sh file to be able to easly run the program in whole system. Eg. on my system:
ln -s ~/repos/HANDY/HANDY.sh ~/bin/HANDY
Then you should be able to simply run the program by executing:
in your terminal.
If you used git to install HANDY you can easy update HANDY just by pulling changes from remote:
git pull
Otherwise you need to re-install HANDY from newly downloaded .zip file.
Full description and tutorial could be find in HANDY project GitHub page:
But you can see some snapshots from main window below:
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details