项目作者: mreutegg

项目描述 :
Minecraft Height Model Plugin - Generates the canton of Zurich in Minecraft using Lidar data
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/mreutegg/mhmp.git
创建时间: 2016-06-23T18:13:21Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0


Minecraft Height Model Plugin

This is a plugin for the Bukkit Minecraft Mod and contains a ChunkGenerator
that models the Canton of Zurich in Minecraft including buildings and trees.

The plugin automatically downloads the required digital terrain model (DTM)
from GIS-ZH.


  1. Build this plugin with Apache Maven:
  1. > mvn clean install
  1. Build a CraftBukkit Minecraft server mod. Instructions are available on
  2. Copy craftbukkit.jar built by spigotmc to a directory where you will run
    the server. E.g. craftbukkit.
  3. Start the server for the first time with:
    1. > java -Xmx2g -jar craftbukkit.jar
  4. The server will stop after a short while and tell you to accept the EULA.
  5. Once you have done that, start the server again. It will create a new world
    and write a set of configuration files.
  6. Stop the server
  7. Create a sub directory craftbukkit/plugins and copy the mhmp plugin jar
    into this directory.
  8. Copy the file src/test/resources/server.properties to the
    craftbukkit folder. It contains a few changes to the default values.
  9. Open the file bukkit.yml with a text editor and add the following lines
    at the end. It will tell the server to use the chunk generator from the plugin
    instead of the default minecraft one.
    1. worlds:
    2. world:
    3. generator: Minecraft-Height-Model-Plugin
  10. Delete the world initialized by the previous startup:
    1. > rm -r world*
  11. Start the server with the plugin and the laszip4j dependency:
    1. > java -Xmx2g -cp $HOME/.m2/repository/com/github/mreutegg/laszip4j/0.1/laszip4j-0.1.jar:craftbukkit-1.11.jar org.bukkit.craftbukkit.Main
  12. Start a Minecraft client and connect to the server (Multiplayer->Direct Connect).
    Use localhost as server address.

The default spawn point is outside the railway station of Winterthur.

If you want to spawn at another place, remove the world and add a spawn system
property to the command that starts the server. The following default spawn
point is in the city of Zurich on the terrace of ETH.

  1. > java -Dspawn=2683677/1247844 -Xmx2g -cp $HOME/.m2/repository/com/github/mreutegg/laszip4j/0.1/laszip4j-0.1.jar:craftbukkit-1.11.jar org.bukkit.craftbukkit.Main

And if you fly up a bit the view is like this:
ETH Zurich