Minecraft Height Model Plugin - Generates the canton of Zurich in Minecraft using Lidar data
This is a plugin for the Bukkit Minecraft Mod and contains a ChunkGenerator
that models the Canton of Zurich in Minecraft including buildings and trees.
The plugin automatically downloads the required digital terrain model (DTM)
from GIS-ZH.
> mvn clean install
built by spigotmc to a directory where you will runcraftbukkit
> java -Xmx2g -jar craftbukkit.jar
and copy the mhmp plugin jarsrc/test/resources/server.properties
to thecraftbukkit
folder. It contains a few changes to the default values.bukkit.yml
with a text editor and add the following lines
generator: Minecraft-Height-Model-Plugin
> rm -r world*
> java -Xmx2g -cp $HOME/.m2/repository/com/github/mreutegg/laszip4j/0.1/laszip4j-0.1.jar:craftbukkit-1.11.jar org.bukkit.craftbukkit.Main
as server address.The default spawn point is outside the railway station of Winterthur.
If you want to spawn at another place, remove the world and add a spawn
property to the command that starts the server. The following default spawn
point is in the city of Zurich on the terrace of ETH.
> java -Dspawn=2683677/1247844 -Xmx2g -cp $HOME/.m2/repository/com/github/mreutegg/laszip4j/0.1/laszip4j-0.1.jar:craftbukkit-1.11.jar org.bukkit.craftbukkit.Main
And if you fly up a bit the view is like this: