Sport Telemetry and Report System
This project is a spring boot rest based project.
Java code is in src/main/java
src/main/resources/ is the project configuration file
pom.xml contains project building information
Web front-end, or static code is in src/main/resources
Code Hosting: GitHub
IDE: Eclipse Neon
Communication Tool: Slack
Project Management: Target Process
Operating System: Windows 7
Compiler Version: JavaSE-1.8
To commit to remote, which has been changed by others, you need to merge latest changes to your local repo and then perform commit and push. You can follow these steps:
The toString() returned values are used to represent the ID of the domains in URL.
Add new user:
POST to http://localhost:8080/rest/users
“email”: “”,
“isAdmin”: false
Add new model of a brand:
POST to http://localhost:8080/rest/models
“name”:”Test Brand”,
Update the description of the above model of the brand:
PATCH to http://localhost:8080/rest/models/Test%20Brand&XX
Add a new gear to a user (idempotent):
POST to http://localhost:8080/rest/gears
“name”:”Test Brand”,
After starting the server, HAL (Hypertext Application Language) profile provides most general information of what this system can provide. However, just as a reminder, here is a list of some solutions for possible FAQs.
CRUD mapping
Create: post
Read: get
Update (only given attributes in JSON): patch
Update (all properties a model has): put
Delete: delete
Date string format standard
E.g. 2011-11-02T02:50:12.208Z
Create a record to associate with a user (owner)
Use post method
“description”:”test description”,