项目作者: KNehe

项目描述 :
A SpringBoot RESTAPI for a pharmacy
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/KNehe/OnlineMedicineShop-Backend.git
创建时间: 2020-02-21T13:30:17Z




  • A SpringBoot REST API built for its Client

Follow the steps below

  • Clone this repository
  • Create a MySql database with the name medical
  • You can create the database with any name you like. Make sure to update the datasource url in application.properties
  • If your datasource username and password are not the defaults username(root) and password(" "), then update their values in application.properties
  • For purchases to work. You need to create an account on stripe
    and pick your api_key. Navigate to services/StripeService.java, in
    the constructor, enter the api_key Stripe.apiKey = "";
  • Start MySql
  • Run the project and test endpoints e.g a post request to api/v1/users/ to add a new user