项目作者: pomanitzz
项目描述 :
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/pomanitzz/spring-rest-react-app.git
- Spring Boot 2
- Spring REST
- React (Redux)
- DB: H2 (in runtime)
- Spring WebSocket & SockJS
- Spring Security
How to run:
- Clone project
- Init all dependencies from package.json by execute:
npm install
- Execute this to build react-app into java-app:
npm run watch
- Run SpringBoot application. One of:
- Run com.pomanytskyi.payroll.ReactAndSpringDataRestApplication.main() method inside your IDE
- Or by typing:
./mvnw spring-boot:run
on the command line. (mvnw.bat for Windows users).
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