Correct syntax but no meaning
A Java port of Romain Valeri’s generator from Javascript;
Current version v1.0
Examples :
En ville, un artisan dispensé de sport part.
Yasser Arafat admet bloquer sur un cheval...
Je parviendrai à me masser au pôle nord.
Elles tablent sur des inspirations.
Un penseur végétera-t-il pour la science ?
Le gondolier table sur la direction à Disneyland.
How to use :
SentenceGenerator gen = new SentenceGenerator();
gen.generate(); //returns a String sentence
Parameters :
SentenceGenerator gen = new SentenceGenerator();
gen.setSubject("Une voiture__F"); //set subject (end with "__F" to set feminine gender)
gen.keepStructure(true); //set to lock a structure for next sentences
gen.setQuestionMode(QuestionMode.FORBIDDEN); //choose to allow or not questions in the sentence
You can use this project as a maven dependency with this :