Alternate/complementary permission system for UserFrosting
Alternate/complementary permission system for UserFrosting 4
This sprinkle is still a work in progress and not ready yet for production use. No official release has been made yet. Fell free to test it and contribute, or use it as a reference.
If you need help using this sprinkle or found any bug, feels free to open an issue or submit a pull request. You can also find me on the UserFrosting Chat most of the time for direct support.
Edit UserFrosting app/sprinkles/sprinkles.json
file and add the following to the require
list :
"lcharette/UF_AltPermissions": "dev-master"
Run composer update
then composer run-script bake
to install the sprinkle.
By Louis Charette. Copyright (c) 2017, free to use in personal and commercial software as per the MIT license.