项目作者: paissad

项目描述 :
Requirements Code Coverage
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/paissad/reqcoco.git
创建时间: 2017-04-04T04:33:20Z

开源协议:GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0


ReqCoCo : Requirements Code Coverage

Requirements Code Coverage

Latest version
License: LGPL v3
Stories in progress
Join the chat at https://gitter.im/reqcoco/Lobby

Coverage Status
Sonar Quality Gate

Table of contents


ReqCoCo is a set of tools which helps to generate reports of code coverage.

The reports can generated in different ways (console, html, json, xlsx)

Custom generators can be built by anyone in order to generate a standard input source. And then ReqCoCo can be used to generate the reports in the
desired format/output.


The releases can be retrieved from the GitHub Releases Download Page.


The documentation is located at the Wiki page


The latest source code can be found here on GitHub. Feel free to fork and/or contribute.


ReqCoCo is licensed under the LGPL v3 license.