项目作者: sermilrod
项目描述 :
Spain COVID-19 tracker
高级语言: Go
项目地址: git://github.com/sermilrod/spain-covid19-tracker.git
This is the data collector repository for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus in Spain.
Data Sources
Start the InfluxDB and Grafana by running the docker-compose:
$ docker-compose up
(Only first time) Create the database:
$ docker exec -ti influxdb bash
root@89af36489b74:/# influx
Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.7.10
InfluxDB shell version: 1.7.10
> create database spain_covid19
Seed the database running the collector:
$ go run main.go
Collected metrics
Metric Name |
Description |
spain_covid19_cases_total |
Accumulated value of all types of cases nation wide |
spain_covid19_cases_region |
Accumulated value of all types of cases in region |
spain_covid19_cases_per_100000_region |
Accumulated value per 100000 inhabitatns of total cases in region |
spain_covid19_reproductive_rate_total |
Basic reproductive rate nation wide |
spain_covid19_reproductive_rate_region |
Basic reproductive rate nation in region |
Available regions
Region |
DB Normalised Name |
Andalucía |
andalucia |
Aragón |
aragon |
Principado de Asturias |
asturias |
Canarias |
canarias |
Cantabria |
cantabria |
Castilla-La Mancha |
castilla_la_mancha |
Castilla y León |
castilla_leon |
Cataluña |
catalunya |
Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta |
ceuta |
Comunitat Valenciana |
comunidad_valenciana |
Extremadura |
extremadura |
Galicia |
galicia |
Illes Balears |
islas_baleares |
La Rioja |
la_rioja |
Comunidad de Madrid |
madrid |
Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla |
melilla |
Región de Murcia |
murcia |
Comunidad Foral de Navarra |
navarra |
País Vasco |
pais_vasco |
spain_covid19_cases_total fields
Field |
Description |
active |
Number of active cases: Total - (hospital + deaths) |
cases |
Total number of registered cases |
critical |
Number of cases in ICU (UCI) |
deaths |
Number of defunctions |
hospitalised |
Number of cases in hospital |
recovered |
Number of cases that got over the illness |
spain_covid19_cases_region fields
Field |
Description |
active |
Number of active cases: Total - (hospital + deaths) in region |
cases |
Total number of registered cases in region |
critical |
Number of cases in ICU (UCI) in region |
deaths |
Number of defunctions in region |
hospitalised |
Number of cases in hospital in region |
recovered |
Number of cases that got over the illness in region |
Field |
Description |
cases |
Total number of registered cases per 100000 inhabitatns in region |
Field |
Description |
rate |
Value of basic reproductive rate |
Field |
Description |
rate |
Value of basic reproductive rate in region |