项目作者: sermilrod

项目描述 :
Spain COVID-19 tracker
高级语言: Go
项目地址: git://github.com/sermilrod/spain-covid19-tracker.git
创建时间: 2020-03-22T11:15:04Z

开源协议:MIT License



This is the data collector repository for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus in Spain.

Data Sources


Start the InfluxDB and Grafana by running the docker-compose:

  1. $ docker-compose up

(Only first time) Create the database:

  1. $ docker exec -ti influxdb bash
  2. root@89af36489b74:/# influx
  3. Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.7.10
  4. InfluxDB shell version: 1.7.10
  5. > create database spain_covid19

Seed the database running the collector:

  1. $ go run main.go

Collected metrics

Metric Name Description
spain_covid19_cases_total Accumulated value of all types of cases nation wide
spain_covid19_cases_region Accumulated value of all types of cases in region
spain_covid19_cases_per_100000_region Accumulated value per 100000 inhabitatns of total cases in region
spain_covid19_reproductive_rate_total Basic reproductive rate nation wide
spain_covid19_reproductive_rate_region Basic reproductive rate nation in region

Available regions

Region DB Normalised Name
Andalucía andalucia
Aragón aragon
Principado de Asturias asturias
Canarias canarias
Cantabria cantabria
Castilla-La Mancha castilla_la_mancha
Castilla y León castilla_leon
Cataluña catalunya
Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta ceuta
Comunitat Valenciana comunidad_valenciana
Extremadura extremadura
Galicia galicia
Illes Balears islas_baleares
La Rioja la_rioja
Comunidad de Madrid madrid
Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla melilla
Región de Murcia murcia
Comunidad Foral de Navarra navarra
País Vasco pais_vasco

spain_covid19_cases_total fields

Field Description
active Number of active cases: Total - (hospital + deaths)
cases Total number of registered cases
critical Number of cases in ICU (UCI)
deaths Number of defunctions
hospitalised Number of cases in hospital
recovered Number of cases that got over the illness

spain_covid19_cases_region fields

Field Description
active Number of active cases: Total - (hospital + deaths) in region
cases Total number of registered cases in region
critical Number of cases in ICU (UCI) in region
deaths Number of defunctions in region
hospitalised Number of cases in hospital in region
recovered Number of cases that got over the illness in region


Field Description
cases Total number of registered cases per 100000 inhabitatns in region


Field Description
rate Value of basic reproductive rate


Field Description
rate Value of basic reproductive rate in region