Node.js Static Site Generator
Node.js Static Site Generator
mkdir morphic-site
cd morphic-site
git init
echo 'node_modules' > .gitignore
npm i @protolith/morphic@latest
mkdir public
mkdir content
mkdir templates
cd content
echo '---
title: Home
# <%= model.title %>
home page content' >
cd ../templates
echo '<!DOCTYPE html>
<title><%= model.title %></title>
<%- model.content %>
</html>' > index.ejs
cd ..
With the default files created, from the morphic-site folder run the command:
npx morphic --serve
This will create an output folder containing the generated html, and open a browser window to view.
Clone repo and run:
npm run build
npm run build-typecheck
These commands will compile the typescript src directory to a new folder named dist, containing the javascript output.
Building without typechecking will not pass source files through the typescript compiler (only babel).
Morphic is very much still a work in progress and is not ready for production use.