Simple session SSO library to log in with Google, Github, Facebook, or a custom OAuth2 implementation
Add this package to your back-end API in order to easily authenticate with Google, Facebook, Github,
or even your custom OAuth2 handled by this same library.
This project is open to updates by its users, I ensure that PRs are relevant to the community.
In other words, if you find a bug or want a new feature, please help us by becoming one of the
contributors ✌️ ! See the contributing section
Please consider:
We suggest taking a look at the document before moving forward here.
import SessionSSO from 'session-sso';
const sso = new SessionSSO({
// facebook dev credentials
appId: 'oHPrt6...',
appSecret: 'O9GGmv3KHJ...',
// github dev credentials
clientId: 'wf3s6u...',
clientSecret: 'AxDmXUPUnH...',
// note: google doesn't need dev credentials for SSO verification,
// just on front-end to generate the initial OAuth token
const verifyGoogleResult = await sso.verifySSO({
provider: 'google',
authKey: 'ey0PweGlS1FG...', // token returned by `googleUser.getAuthResponse().id_token`
const verifyFacebookResult = await sso.verifySSO({
provider: 'facebook',
authKey: 'EF25LPJCBAT...', // token returned by `FB.getLoginStatus()` => `response.authResponse.accessToken`
const verifyGithubResult = await sso.verifySSO({
provider: 'github',
authKey: 'c12fa85efae0236c034b', // auth code placed in url when redirected back from
console.log(verifyGoogleResult); // { "email": "" }
console.log(verifyFacebookResult); // { "email": "" }
console.log(verifyGithubResult); // { "email": "" }
By default the library will fetch the user’s email since it’s the most common default scope used by
Google, Facebook, and GitHub’s tokens.
If your provider allows you to fetch other scopes with your Client/Dev credentials, then you can
override which user properties are returned by verifySSO
by passing the a string[]
using theretrieveProperties
option like so:
await sso.verifySSO({
provider: 'google',
authKey: 'eyS1FG0PweGl...',
retrieveProperties: [
// would return:
// {
// payload: {
// "email": "",
// "email_verified": true,
// "given_name": "Kahless",
// "family_name": "-",
// "locale": "tlh"
// }
// }
You can also set these scopes when instantiating:
const sso = new SessionSSO({
// ...
retrieveProperties: [
Note: Doing it this way affects all providers, so make sure all of them have the same naming conventions.
The custom SSO flow was inspired by Google’s.
First a user would send their authorization data (i.e. username, passowrd, etc), from here, it’s up
to you to generate an authorization promise:
const authorizationPromise = async () => {
// your top secret authorization sauce here
// ...
// if auth fails
throw new Error('You cannot pass!');
// if auth succeeds
return {
iss: Math.floor( / 1000), // issue date as Epoch number (seconds since 1970)
exp: Math.floor( / 1000) + (60 * 60), // expiration date (1 hour later in this case)
email: '',
// ...
then proceed to produce another promise, this time for the private keys in JSON format:
const privateKeyPromise: Promise<PEMKeyPromisePayload> = fetch(
).then((res) => res.json()).then((jpems) => {
// `res` is a JSON with PEM keys:
// {
// "nnI9yCyGPq3r5zmurEVr05uf": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEow...",
// "y7I9IXxvGBEOhc9CuBcHIklK": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEps..."
// }
// For a full example of what this should look like visit:
// Make it hard for bad actors to reverse-engineer PEM keys by using more than one, randomly
const randomKeyId = Object.keys(jpems).sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5)[0];
return {
kid: randomKeyId,
pem: jpems[randomKeyId],
finally send your front-end the resulting authentication token:
const {
payload: {
token, // <== send this
} = await sso.generateSSO({
now any front-end using your authentication end-point can verify that the token hasn’t been forged
by sending it back to your API where you do will do a very similar check as with google, facebook, and github:
// This is the only extra step. With google, facebook, and github we already know where the verification
// comes from, so we baked it in; but here you get to set your own rule as to where to
const publicKeyPromise: Promise<PEMKeyPromisePayload> = fetch(
).then((res) => res.json());
const verifyCustomResult = await sso.verifySSO({
authKey: token as string,
Both verifySSO
and generateSSO
promises will return an object with only one property,
either payload
or error
On success, both verifySSO
and generateSSO
will resolve with an object with the payload
property, for example:
payload: {
On error, both verifySSO
and generateSSO
will reject with an object with the error
for example:
error: "..."
Note: the value of the error
property is a string.
We’ve provided a handy and easy to understand explanation of a proper SSO strategy and where this
library is meant to be used, just take a look at the document.
Yes, thank you! This plugin is community-driven, most of its features are from different authors.
Please update the docs and tests and add your name to the package.json
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Jean Lescure 🚧 💻 📓 ⚠️ 💡 📖 | Diana Lescure 📖 👀 🎨 |
Copyright (c) 2020-Present Session SSO Contributors.
Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.