Custom class generating list of related events for Wordpress Tribe Events Calendar plugin
My custom class for generating list of related events for tribe_events custom post type.
First of all you need to create an instance of Gdzieciak_related_events class, providing at least the id of tribe_event for which you want to create a list of related events.
$related = new Gdzieciak_related_events($event_id);
new Gdzieciak_related_events($event_id, $number_of_related, $price_range_percents)
$event_id (int) - required / ID of main event (tribe_events post type)
$number_of_related (int) - optional / default: 3 / Number of related posts to show
$price_range_percents (array) - optional / default: [5,30] / Array with number that would be used as a percent for creating price range for comparison.
First one is percent for cost ranges (i.e. $10-25), thus by default comparison range would be created based on small +/- 5% differance. The second one is a percent for creating comparison range prices that are numbers. Any other type of price will be ignored.
Use show_related() method in place where you want to display your related events.
echo $related->show_related();
You can use static cost_int($cost) method to discard non-numerical values and return an array or an int,
generate_cost_range($cost, $range_percents_array) enables you to generate price range withouth creating an object from class, if you would need it for other purposes.
You can find structure ourput in show_related() method, as $html variable:
$html = '
<div class="realted-item data-case-related="'.$case.'" data-price-range="'.$data_range.'">
<div class="post-image">
<img alt=" '.get_the_title($id).'" src="
'.get_the_post_thumbnail_url($id).' ">
<div class="post-title">
<a href="'.get_permalink($id).'">'.get_the_title($id).'</a>
You can change it as you like.
$case is a number of relation level case,
$data_range is a final price range for comparison, saved as data value for debugging purposes (it would be blank if event doesn’t have any price)
$id is a post id of related event; you can use it with standard wordpress functions.
// case 1: price & all tags & all cats
/// case 2: price & any tag & any event cat
//// case 3: price & all tags
///// case 4: price & any tag
////// case 5: price & all cats
/////// case 6: price & any event cat
//////// case 7: all tags & all cats
///////// case 8: any tag & any event cat
////////// posts are in the same series of recurring
/////////// case 9: all tags
//////////// case 10: any tag
///////////// case 11: all cats
////////////// case 12: any event cat
<?php $related = new Gdzieciak_related_events(get_the_ID()); ?>
<?php if($related->any_pre_related() > 2):?>
<div id="related_events">
<?php echo $related->show_related(); ?>
<?php endif; ?>