Streaming Music Player
A beautifully designed streaming music player built on MERN stack for local networks.
It has two components:
Some people (including me) like to maintain their collection of favourite music on their devices, offline. Over time, these collections grow big and it becomes infeasible to store and sync the copies on each device (PC/phone/etc). This was my urge to make this application. User can simply put the collection onto one machine in their home (generally any old pc lying in the garage would work), and setup this player. Then, all the tracks can be easily streamed over the local network through an eye-candy UI, all the basic features someone might need in a music player - albums, playlists, fading/crossfading, gapless playback, equaliser (coming in future version) and obviously, great control over the looks and feel of the player.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Node.js and Mongodb should be setup on the machine.
The project has two major branches —
branch: stable code, might not be much updatedactive-dev
branch: latest changes, not much testedOther branches are for features and hotfixes.
> git clone
> cd beautplayer
and mediaserver
. First we install the dependencies of beautplayer:
> cd beautplayer
> npm install
> cd ../mediaserver
> npm install
file and change the music directory path in line 8, 9 as per your machine.This would run on a machine on the local network which has all the music stored. And other devices (pc or phones) can access.
directory and start it: npm start
directory and start it: npm start
You might need to go to settings and click on “Refresh Media Library” option.
Feel free to post issues and pull requests with detailed explainations.
For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the file for details