项目作者: y0shis-yodelers
项目描述 :
eCommerce application built using React
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/y0shis-yodelers/grace-shopper.git
Bass Shopper
an eCommerce application built using React
Features to Try!
Go ahead and play with our store! Payments is sandboxed/test environment, so there will be no real charges made
- Sign up using either Google or local login
- Add multiple products to your cart and watch it follow you across the site
- Clear your cart to remove all your items in an instance
- Update your profile with your phone, name and email before the next step!
- Checkout using Safari (Mac/iPhones) or Chrome to use Apple Pay or Google Pay
- Even though you will checkout, you will not be charged
- Check your phone for a confirmation text and email!
- Revisit your profile to see all completed order
- Visit https://grace-shopper-yy.herokuapp.com/oops to visit our fun 404 not found page!
- Are you trying to hack us? Gandalf says no if you are not an admin! https://grace-shopper-yy.herokuapp.com/admin/users
- Read even more about the technical features in our Detailed_Features.md!
- Front-End
- React.js, Redux.js, HTML5, CSS3
- Back-End
- Node.js, Express.js, PostgreSQL, Sequelize
- External API/Libraries
- Stripe/Apple Pay/Google Pay: Payment Processing
- Twilio & Nodemailer: SMS and Email order notifications
- Google Authentication: Login security provider
- React-Toastify: In-App Notifications
- Deployment
- Heroku: Live website with public URL
- Mocha/Chai: Unit testing of 90% of modules for faster developement
- Travis: Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment
Future Roadmap
- White Labeling/Multitendancy for scaling ability to sell software
- Greater Accessibility for visually impaired customers (A11Y)
- Admin Dashboard to view sales and other key performance indicators
- Visual.js for graphing of sales
- Social Media Integration and Top Sellers Recommendation
- Better mobile phone integration
Daniel Shapiro - Kush Patel - Zoran Bajic - Gene Kaufman
- To install all dependencies:
npm run install
- To create database and seed:
createdb grace-shopper-yy && createdb grace-shopper-yy-test
- Seed Database with products and accounts:
npm run seed
- To Run App!:
npm run start-dev
Store your private infromation in a new file secrets.js* or global environmenal variables
module.exports = {
pw: 'email password', //password to email used in nodemailer
ccEmail: 'email1, email2, etc...', //personal emails to cc
accountSid: 'AXXXXXXXXXXXXX', //twilio accountSID
authToken: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX', //twilio auth token
phone: '+12345678901' //Twilio phone number