Steganography tool to embed hidden text in videos
A Python steganography tool to hide text in videos using the HSV values of pixels.
Each frame of the carrier video stores a bit of the text using two pixels at two corners of the frame. The hidden text can be accurately extracted from the video using the difference of HSV value dimensions of the two pixels in each frame.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Usage: encode -i <input> -o <output> -t <text> decode -i <input>
-h, --help Show this help
-t, --text=<file> Text to hide
-i, --in=<input> Input video file
-o, --out=<output> Resultant video file
# encoding
>>> import TwoPixels as TP
>>> TP.encode_vid("video.mp4", "result.mp4", "Hello")
# decoding
>>> import TwoPixels as TP
>>> print(TP.decode_vid("result.mp4"))