项目作者: vvaezian

项目描述 :
A popularity index for ranking the popularity of programming languages based on StackOverflow data
高级语言: SQL
项目地址: git://github.com/vvaezian/Popularity-of-Programming-Languages.git


Popularity of Programming Languages (Based on Stack Overflow Data)

To interactively explore the data on a public dashboard click here (you can also try the dashboard in night-mode).


How are the Popularity Index and other measures calculated?

For the queries see the queries.sql file.

- Popularity Index: Average of three measures (explained below); Distinct Users Count, Question Count and View Count.
- Distinct Users: In each day the number of distinct users who had an activity in the relevant tags (posted/answered a question, made a comment/edit) is calculated. Then these numbers are averaged over the given granularity (Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly).
- Question Count: For each day the number of posts with the relevant tag is calculated. Then these numbers are averaged over the given granularity (Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly).
- ViewCount: We have the ViewCount of posts with the relevant tags. Each post’s viewcount is divided by the number of days it has been posted, which results in a normalized ViewCount of that post. For each day the normalized ViewCounts of all posts with the relevant tag is calculated, and then these numbers are averaged over the given granularity (Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly).
- Total Distinct Users: Total number of distinct users since 2010 who had an activity regarding the posts with the relevant tags (posted/answered a question, made a comment/edit). The granularity filter and the date range filter don’t apply to this card.
- Total Question: Total number of questions with the relevant tags. The granularity filter doesn’t apply to this card.
- Total Views: Total number of views for the questions with the relevant tags. The granularity filter doesn’t apply to this card.

Which tags are used for each programming language?

See the tags.md file.


  • The dashboard gets updated with new data at the beginnig of each month.
  • The Normalized ViewCount measure is lagging one month behind compared to the other two measures. This is because more recent data for normalized ViewCount has high variance. One month lag reduces the variance.
    This lag causes the Popularity Index to lag one month behind as well, because it relies on all the three measures.


If you have a suggestion or you want to report a bug, please create an issue.