项目作者: Albertpv95

项目描述 :
Generic 2-3 Tree Data Structure in Java.
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/Albertpv95/Tree23.git
创建时间: 2016-03-18T22:52:01Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0



This program creates a generic 2-3 Tree Data Structure in Java.


  • add: Adds a new element into the tree.
  • addAll: Adds a collection of elements into the tree.
  • addAllSafe: Adds all the elements into the tree. If one or more elements can’t be inserted because they already exists, all the elements inserted before (during this call) are removed from the tree.
  • clear: Removes all of the elements.
  • clone: Creates a copy of a Tree23 instance.
  • contains: Checks if an element exists in a Tree23 instance.
  • find: Searches an element inside of the tree.
  • findMin: Returns the min element of the tree.
  • findMax: Returns the max element of the tree.
  • getLevel: Returns the number of levels of the tree (max deep).
  • inOrder: Prints the elements of the tree in order.
  • isEmpty: Returns a boolean to indicate if the tree is empty or not.
  • modify: Finds an element inside the tree and modifies it.
  • preOrder: Prints the elements of the tree in pre order.
  • remove: Deletes an element from the tree.
  • size: Returns the number of elements inside of the tree.