Valve Anti-Cheat bypass written in C.
Valve Anti-Cheat bypass written in C.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 (preferably latest version i.e. 16.2.5), platform toolset v142 and Windows SDK 10.0 are required in order to compile VAC Bypass. If you don’t have ones, you can download VS here (Windows SDK is installed during Visual Studio Setup).
The very first step in order to compile VAC Bypass is to clone this repo from GitHub to your local computer. Git is required to step futher, if not installed download it here. Open git bash / git cmd / cmd and enter following command:
git clone
folder should have been succesfully created, containing all the source files.
When you have equiped a copy of source code, next step is opening VAC-Bypass.sln in Microsoft Visual Studio 2019.
Then change build configuration to Release | x86
and simply press Build solution.
If everything went right you should receive VAC-Bypass.dll
binary file.
It is mandatory to strictly follow each step of loading in order to make bypass work.
Method 1:
into Steam.exe
process.Initialization was successful!
should appear.Retry
in steam window saying ‘Could not connect to Steam servers’.Method 2:
Bypass has been tested with CS:GO game and Cheat Engine cheating program attached to the game process.
Without bypass:
With bypass:
The goal is to make
function return false
then VAC aborts scan for cheats. It can be done by bypassing this check for example.
Made By Daniel Krupiński
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.