项目作者: pent0
项目描述 :
Header-only implement of standard library
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/pent0/frsstl.git
frsstl is a Header-only implement of the c++ standard library, in order to understand more about how people implements it. The library is unfinished really, many headers are missing or empty, however now, the vector, tuple, memory, pair are filled in, many are not documented
What is interested?
- The library is fully documented of how i implemented it, so if you analyis the code and didn’t understand it, there are explainments.
- The library is not heavy typed, you won’t have to type many upcase letter, best for your fk hand.
- Based on the description of the c++ guide page.
- Always on duty and improvement.
- Licence is suitable, i think.
- Yeah, there wont be wiki.
- Some functions are missing
- And its not thread safe right now, or you must managed it. There will be a thread, mutex and semaphore class soon.
- No exception handling atm
- The reason i write this library becauses of the goddamn dll warning. Although i cant disable it :P