项目作者: realaravinth

项目描述 :
A bloody vulnerable Proof-of-Stake based blockchain that I'm building for fun
高级语言: Rust
项目地址: git://github.com/realaravinth/damn-vuln-blockchain.git
创建时间: 2021-01-01T13:38:42Z

开源协议:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0



# Damn Vulnerable Blockchain

CI (Linux)/badge.svg>)
AGPL License
dependency status

This is a test blockchain that I build for fun and as the name
suggests, it is bloody vulnerable.

How to build

  • Install Cargo using rustup with:
  1. $ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
  • Clone the repository with:
  1. $ git clone https://github.com/realaravinth/damn-vuln-blockchain
  • Build with Cargo:
  1. $ cd damn-vuln-blockchain && cargo build


Damn Vulnerable Blockchain comes with a peer implementation called
dwb. dwb supports three modes:

Mode Function
Attacker Configured to fork the blockchain and perform a double spend. See
Auditor This is a special peer that acts as the discovery node and mint. It should be spawned first.
Victim This peer will be configured to take itself down when an attack command is issued.
Normal No special abilities, just an other node in the network

dwb usage:

  1. Damn Vulnerable Blockchain 0.1
  2. Aravinth Manivannan <realaravinth@batsense.net>
  3. A bloody vulnerable blockchain implementation
  4. USAGE:
  5. dwb --auditor <auditor> --mode <mode> --network-size <network_size> --name <peer_id> --public-ip <public_ip>
  6. FLAGS:
  7. -h, --help Prints help information
  8. -V, --version Prints version information
  10. -a, --auditor <auditor> address of auditor node
  11. -m, --mode <mode> available modes:
  12. auditor
  13. normal
  14. attacker
  15. victim
  16. -s, --network-size <network_size> set intial network size
  17. -n, --name <peer_id> set peer name
  18. -i, --public-ip <public_ip> set public IP

Spinning up a cluster:

The easiest way to spin up a cluster locally is using ./network.sh.

  1. USAGE:
  2. USAGE:
  3. ./network.sh
  4. launch launches test network
  5. release launches network in production setup(seperate auditor launch)
  6. auditor launches auditor
  7. kill kills test network
  8. release kills network in production setup(seperate auditor launch)
  9. auditor kills auditor

Web interface:

A read-only web interface is available at the root of every peer. It is
capable of aggregating state from all peers in network and displaying it.


Transaction Wrokflow:


Attack Scenario:

Network Topology

  1. Fork chain on attacker:
    This makes a copy of AssetLedger and Chain state which can be
    exposed to victim later in the attack
  1. $ curl -X POST localhost:7001/fork
  1. Set attack on victim:
    This simulates DoS on the victim and effectively blacking itself out.
  1. $ curl -X POST localhost:7002
  1. Sell asset from attacker to normal:
  1. $ curl -X POST 'localhost:7001/assets/sell' \
  2. --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  3. --data-raw '{
  4. "asset_id": "4D2DF03943EA557997577CD2F52AB707A10D75D59A2B5C3682CDFA9816CD120F",
  5. "buyer_peer_id": "normal.batsense.net" }'
  6. # replace peer ID and asset ID
  1. Set attack on attacker

  2. Sell same asset from step 3 to victim:

  1. $ curl -X POST 'localhost:7001/assets/sell' \
  2. --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  3. --data-raw '{
  4. "asset_id": "4D2DF03943EA557997577CD2F52AB707A10D75D59A2B5C3682CDFA9816CD120F",
  5. "buyer_peer_id": "victim.batsense.net" }'
  6. # replace peer ID and asset ID


Logo made by Freepik from
Flaticon. Do check them out!