项目作者: smartinternz02

项目描述 :
Analytical E-Commerce Dashboard made with IBM Cognos Analytics
项目地址: git://github.com/smartinternz02/SBSPS-Challenge-5520-Analytics-Tool-For-Ecommerce-businesses.git

IBM Smart Bridge Hackathon 2021

Analytics Tool For Ecommerce Businesses

The objective of this challenge is to develop an Analytical Dashboard where the owner/user will understand the growth/potential of the business in the market.

Analytical Dashboard which is generated from US Superstore data contains the following statistics.

  • A region that accounts for a greater number of orders
  • Frequency distribution of quantity ordered
  • Percentage sales by different product categories
  • Profitable products or their sub-products in the last few years
  • products that incurred losses
  • Product type that was ordered greater times
  • Yearly sales for various states
  • Forecasting future sales according to shipping date.
  • The trend in profit/sales over time (years/months/quarters).

Technical Architecture


Link to IBM Cognos Analytics Dashboard

Link to Dashboard pdf