Collaborative subtitles for the NieR Automata Music Concert.
Go in the release page, and download the subtitles of your choice.
Drag & drop the subtitles file next to the video file in your file explorer. Open your video in VLC, and that’s it.
You can also drag&drog the subtitle file in the VLC window, or use the context menu.
Filename | Description | Video |
---|---|---| |
This is the 4th recital translation of the concert taking place the 5th May 2017 at 12PM JST | Link | |
This is the 5th recital translation of the concert, taking place the 5th May 2017 at 4PM JST | Link |
If you wish to improve the existing subtitles or add your own, please this repository, open the .srt file using a subtitles editor (I like SubtitleEdit personally), edit
the .srt in your forked repository, and submit a pull request
You can also contact me if you can’t do it.