项目作者: ctznfive

项目描述 :
Minimalistic console-based twin-pane file manager with VI-like key bindings
高级语言: C
项目地址: git://github.com/ctznfive/nebulafm.git
创建时间: 2021-01-22T09:02:52Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0



Latest release

nebulafm is a minimalistic console-based twin-pane file manager with VI-like key bindings and shell integration



  • ncursesw
  • coreutils
  • xdg-open
  • libmagic


Compile the code:

  1. make

Install on the system:

  1. sudo make install

Quick Start

Run nebulafm, then you can use h j k l or the arrow keys to navigate the directory tree, Enter or l to open a file or q to quit

Key Bindings

Key Function
tab Change the current panel
space Select a file or directory
h Go to the parent directory
j Go down
k Go up
l Open a file or child directory
z Show or hide hidden files
d Delete files
D Confirm the deletion
y Copy files
v Move files
a Rename files
g Go to the beginning of the current file list
G Go to the end of the current file list
H Move cursor to header (top) line
M Move cursor to middle line
L Move cursor to last line
J Move down by a page
K Move up by a page
! Open the shell in the current directory
V Add all files to the clipboard
R Clear clipboard
m Create a new directory
f Create a new file
i Preview file or directory
b Add a new bookmark
\’ Open bookmark list
Z Delete the bookmark
/ Search in the current directory
n The next match in the file list


Key bindings can be customized in the file config.h

The clipboard file is located in $HOME/.config/nebulafm/clipboard

The bookmarks file is located in $HOME/.config/nebulafm/bookmarks


man nebulafm


If you’d like to contribute, ask questions or share your opinions, please feel free to open an issue