:notes: Best javascript latino event dispatcher.
A javascript event dispatcher with flow, a lot of flow.
import dispachito from 'dispachito';
// side effect function
const log = (e) => console.log(e);
// side cause function
const now = () => Date.now();
// instance dispachito
const d = dispachito();
// register your side effects and side causes
// register your pure events
d.event(function whatTimeIsIt({ now }, payload) {
return {
log: payload + now,
d.dispatch('whatTimeIsIt', 'Current time is: ');
// result: Current time is: 1588975886908
Setup your dispachito instance:
import dispachito, { withStore } from 'dispachito';
const d = withStore(dispachito(), { counter: 0 });
d.event(function increment({ state, now }, payload) {
return {
state: {
counter: state.counter + 1,
// another side effect
log: payload + now,
export default d;
And then in the view side:
import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { Subscribe, connect } from 'dispachito/react';
import d from './setup';
const StateAwareCounter = connect(
function mapToProps(state) {
return {
count: state.counter,
function dispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
increment: () => dispatch('increment'),
)(function Counter({ count, increment }) {
return (
<button onCLick={increment}>Increase</button>
<div>Current count: {count}</div>
<Subscribe store={d}>
<StateAwareCounter ></StateAwareCounter>