Implementation of Optimization based Layer-wise Magnitude-based Pruning for DNN Compression
Guiying Li, Chao Qian, Chunhui Jiang, Xiaofen Lu, and Ke Tang. Optimization based Layer-wise Magnitude-based Pruning for DNN Compression. In Proceedings of the 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2018), pages 2383-2389, Stockholm, Sweden, 2018. pdf link
Thank you for everyone who is intereted in our work.
This repository is the implementation of OLMP. In experiments of LeNet-5 and LeNet-300-100, we have fixed the random seeds in python scripts for the purpose of reproducting the results shown in our paper. For AlexNet-Caltech, unfortunately, it has the dropout layers with the random seed inside Caffe framework which is the random seed we did not recorded during our experiments. Instead, We provide the compressed model of AlexNet-Caltech whoes result is reported in our paper. Users can also run the script of AlexNet-Caltech several times to reproduce a similar result compared to the one in our paper.
This project is based on Caffe and Dynamic surgery. Thanks to the authors of these two projects.
Note that for who want run the code, there is no need to pre-install Caffe! This project is an edited version of Caffe, and an specifical Caffe will be genered by building the code in the project directly.
Most of the problems in making are caused by the settings of enviroment. Please refer to for help.
We upload all the processed data (the data file can be directed used in this project, users can also process data by themself following the details described in our paper) to Baidu Wangpan (Usage: past the link to the internet explorer and use the password to download the file).
password: 40fa
For Caltech-256:
password: v5s8
To all the experiments below, the user should edit the address of the data in .prototxt.
To compress the model LeNet-300-100, it firstly needs to make sure the data address in ./models/lenet300100/lenet_train_test.prototxt is the one in correct.
Please Run:
To compress the model LeNet-5, please Run:
To compress the model AlexNet-Caltech, please Run:
Note that the reference model for is too large for uploading to github, so that we upload it to Baidu Wangpan:
Reference model of AlexNet-Caltech:
password: 8r48
(Usage: past the link to the internet explorer and use the password to download the file)
For Lenet-300-100 and Lenet-5, the user can find the compressional results are the same as that reported in our paper. Or, the user can run and to check the sparsity of the model compressed by us.
For Lenet-300-100, the model compressed by use is provided at:
Run to check the sparsity.
For Lenet-5, the model compressed by us is provided at:
For AlexNet-Caltech, since we do not fixed the random seed for droupout operation, it can not guarantee the result is the same as that in our paper. Consider about this, we provide the model compressed by us.
Compressed model of AlexNet-Caltech:
password: 3ygh
(Usage: past the link to the internet explorer and use the password to download the file)
Take the output of as an example:
I1129 04:04:49.392139 6877 solver.cpp:226] Iteration 29600, loss = 0.152239
I1129 04:04:49.392174 6877 solver.cpp:242] Train net output #0: accuracy = 0.96875
I1129 04:04:49.392191 6877 solver.cpp:242] Train net output #1: loss = 0.152239 (\* 1 = 0.152239 loss)
I1129 04:04:49.392267 6877 solver.cpp:521] Iteration 29600, lr = 0.00356228
I1129 04:04:50.325364 6877 solver.cpp:226] Iteration 29700, loss = 0.00853293
I1129 04:04:50.325392 6877 solver.cpp:242] Train net output #0: accuracy = 1
I1129 04:04:50.325405 6877 solver.cpp:242] Train net output #1: loss = 0.00853293 (\* 1 = 0.00853293 loss)
I1129 04:04:50.325415 6877 solver.cpp:521] Iteration 29700, lr = 0.00355555
I1129 04:04:51.243219 6877 solver.cpp:226] Iteration 29800, loss = 0.0735124
I1129 04:04:51.243247 6877 solver.cpp:242] Train net output #0: accuracy = 0.96875
I1129 04:04:51.243260 6877 solver.cpp:242] Train net output #1: loss = 0.0735124 (\* 1 = 0.0735124 loss)
I1129 04:04:51.243270 6877 solver.cpp:521] Iteration 29800, lr = 0.00354885
I1129 04:04:52.162196 6877 solver.cpp:226] Iteration 29900, loss = 0.0591469
I1129 04:04:52.162223 6877 solver.cpp:242] Train net output #0: accuracy = 0.984375
I1129 04:04:52.162238 6877 solver.cpp:242] Train net output #1: loss = 0.0591469 (\* 1 = 0.0591469 loss)
I1129 04:04:52.162248 6877 solver.cpp:521] Iteration 29900, lr = 0.00354218
I1129 04:04:53.071841 6877 solver.cpp:399] Snapshotting to binary proto file models/lenet5/10_lenet_iter_30000.caffemodel
I1129 04:04:53.084738 6877 solver.cpp:684] Snapshotting solver state to binary proto filemodels/lenet5/10_lenet_iter_30000.solverstate
I1129 04:04:53.091256 6877 solver.cpp:314] Iteration 30000, Testing net (#0)
I1129 04:04:53.717361 6877 solver.cpp:363] Test net output #0: accuracy = 0.9909
I1129 04:04:53.717402 6877 solver.cpp:363] Test net output #1: loss = 0.0321025 (\* 1 = 0.0321025 loss)
I1129 04:04:53.724666 6877 solver.cpp:226] Iteration 30000, loss = 0.00549194
I1129 04:04:53.724690 6877 solver.cpp:242] Train net output #0: accuracy = 1
I1129 04:04:53.724704 6877 solver.cpp:242] Train net output #1: loss = 0.00549194 (\* 1 = 0.00549194 loss)
I1129 04:04:53.724714 6877 solver.cpp:521] Iteration 30000, lr = 0.00353553
Compression:297.70718232, Accuracy:1.0
random seed:981118
In the output text, “random seed” indicates the random seed used in python script. Note that the random seed in C++ code is not restricted, so that if the network contain random operations like dropout, the setting of “random seed” is useless.
“Compression: xxx, Accuracy: xxx” indicates the current Pruning Ratio and the accuracy of the pruned model in the current batch. For example
I1129 04:04:53.724714 6877 solver.cpp:521] Iteration 30000, lr = 0.00353553
Compression:297.70718232, Accuracy:1.0
means the Pruning Ration is 297.7 and the accuracy of the pruned model on the batch of iteration 30000 is 100%.
I1129 04:04:53.091256 6877 solver.cpp:314] Iteration 30000, Testing net (#0)
I1129 04:04:53.717361 6877 solver.cpp:363] Test net output #0: accuracy = 0.9909
I1129 04:04:53.717402 6877 solver.cpp:363] Test net output #1: loss = 0.0321025 (\* 1 = 0.0321025 loss)
This indicates the accuracy of the pruned model on the whole testing set. Here the testing accuracy is 0.9909 which is the same to the accuracy of the reference model.
For the python scirpts, we have already written detailed comments inside the scripts.
For the editing of the C++ code. We have edited ./src/caffe/layers/ and ./src/caffe/layers/ In the forwarding passing:
template <typename Dtype>
void CConvolutionLayer<Dtype>::Forward_gpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
// added by Guiying Li
180 bool _update = false;
181 Dtype* tmp_weightMask = this->blobs_[2]->mutable_cpu_data();
182 if (tmp_weightMask[0] > 1){
183 _update = true;
184 this->crate = tmp_weightMask[0] - 1;
185 tmp_weightMask[0] = 1;
186 } else if (tmp_weightMask[0] < 0){
187 _update = true;
188 this->crate = -tmp_weightMask[0];
189 tmp_weightMask[0] = 0;
190 }
191 weightMask = this->blobs_[2]->mutable_gpu_data();//update data
192 // -------Guiying------
The first value of the mask is extracted, if the value is larger than 0, than means the value is composed of (the current crate of this layer) + (the mask element is 1); else if the value is smaller than 0, that means the value is composed of (current crate of this layer)*(-1) + (the mask element is 0). Note that the first value of the mask can be edited by users using the python api, so that the user can use python code to control the pruning. Take the as example:
# Set the crates of each layer, the pruning will happen in the next forward action
def apply_prune(thenet, _crates):
thenet: the model to be pruned
_crates: the list of crates for layers
for _id in range(len(layer_name)):
if _crates[_id] < 0:
layer_id = layer_name[_id]
mask0 = thenet.params[layer_id][2].data.ravel()[0]
if mask0 == 0:
thenet.params[layer_id][2].data.ravel()[0] = -_crates[_id]
elif mask0 == 1:
thenet.params[layer_id][2].data.ravel()[0] = 1+_crates[_id]
Here, when the algorithm has chosen the crates for each layer (the pruning related hyper-parameters), the python script transfer these crates to pruning process by encode them into the first element of the mask in each layer.
Please cite our work as:
title = {Optimization based Layer-wise Magnitude-based Pruning for DNN Compression},
author = {Guiying Li and Chao Qian and Chunhui Jiang and Xiaofen Lu and Ke Tang},
booktitle = {International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)},
address={Stockholm, Sweden},
year = {2018}
and the other citations may also be needed:
Author = {Yangqing Jia and Evan Shelhamer and Jeff Donahue and Sergey Karayev and Jonathan Long and Ross Girshick and Sergio Guadarrama and Trevor Darrell},
Journal = {arXiv:1408.5093},
Title = {Caffe: Convolutional Architecture for Fast Feature Embedding},
Year = {2014}
Dynamic surgery:
title = {Dynamic Network Surgery for Efficient DNNs},
author = {Yiwen Guo and Anbang Yao and Yurong Chen},
booktitle = {Advances in neural information processing systems (NIPS)},
address={Barcelona, Spain},
year = {2016}
Negatively Correlated Search:
author={Ke Tang and Peng Yang and Xin Yao},
title={Negatively correlated search},
journal={IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications},