Two supernova remnant profiles after the model of Chevalier 1982
Two profiles after the model of Chevalier 1982. The first is a 1.4 solar mass Type Ia model (no circumstellar medium) and the other is a 15 solar mass Type II model (circumstellar medium with power-law index of -2). You can view these plots with gnuplot
(or something similar). It’d be useful to chage the y-axis to be log-scale.
These were generated with a numerical model heavily based on work by several others, so I do not really intend on storing the code for it since it’s not really mine. If you really want a specific model, send me an email with the following specs:
Hopefully I will be able to email you back within a couple days (but no promises, as I’m not an active astrophysicist anymore).
This work was part of my dissertation on particle acceleration in supernova remnant environments. I mapped the 1D solutions to a 2D grid and allowed the hydrodynamic solver to evolve these forward in time (well, at least the Type II model was used in my dissertation, the Type Ia was used just to test the system worked).