Milestone Project 4
This e-commerce website is a final project that concludes ‘Full Stack Frameworks With Django’ module and ‘Full Stack Software Development’ program provided by Canadian Business College.
This project is an online store that inherits most of the best practices used by hundreds of online stores all-around the Internet.
Most of the testing was done manually during development process with the help of Google Chrome Inspect Element Tool.
One of the interesting issues I discovered during the testing process was related to Django messages framework.
I assigned a very high z-index for messages, so they appear on top of all other elements. But after I closed a message I was unable to click on ‘my profile’ in dropdown menu. Actually, I was unable to click on anything that was covered by the message, because when I closed the message, it disappeared visually, but technically it just became transparent and it was still covering other elements. It took me a long time to figure out what’s going on and how to solve this issue, but finally I’ve decided to add an ‘onClick’ event to the button, so it makes the webpage reload.
Special thanks to Very Academy YouTube channel that helped me to implement wishlist functionality.
There are still few minor issues I’ll have to solve in the future.
To make a wishlist functionality I’ve added one more field to the Product model form.
But when I went to ‘Product Management’ page I’ve noticed that a new field appeared.
It’s happening because the form is automatically generated via for loop in html.
Hopefully I will find a solution in the nearest future.
Also I will need to write custom CSS for country field in checkout form, as for now it cuts off country name filled in.
The online store was deployed on Heroku and can be found via following link: