项目作者: JeroenDeDauw

项目描述 :
Supreme Commander Forged Alliance naming mod
高级语言: Lua
项目地址: git://github.com/JeroenDeDauw/NameAllTheThings.git
创建时间: 2016-04-16T20:54:39Z



Name All The Things

A naming mod for Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance Forever.

This mod automatically sets names for your units, which can change based on their status. For
instance, damage can cause a unit to be labeled “angry”, while idle units can be labeled “lazy”
or “useless”. These names are visible to you, and to the people you are playing with.


  • Units get a randomly assigned name
  • The list of names can be configured by changing the list in the mod
  • Idle units will be “bored” and get one of several bored prefixes (different for engineers and non-engineers)
  • Units get a prefix indicating their health, getting progressively more angry as health decreases
  • Out of fuel air units will be “hungry”
  • Option for extra names that only get used for UEF units
  • High probability of LOL or RAGE from other players


  • Download the latest version of the mod
  • Extract the zip and rename the directory from NameAllTheThings-master to NameAllTheThings
  • Place the directory into Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\Mods


You can configure the names that show up by editing the text at the top of modules\nameunits.lua.
The names cannot contain the quotation marks placed in front and after them and need to be followed
by a comma, except for the last name in a list, which should not be followed by a comma.

Updates and contributing

You can find the latest version of the mod on the Name All The Things GitHub project, which is
also the place where you can file issues, post feature request, and submit patches.

Release notes

Version 2.1 - 2020-12-02

Changes by EntropyWins

  • Updated names
  • Updated idle messages

Version 2.0 - 2016-04-30

Changes by EntropyWins

  • All texts are now configurable at the top of the file
  • Out of fuel units will be “hungry”
  • Workers and non-workers now have different IDLE messages
  • You can now set special names that only show up for UEF units
  • Renamed mod from “NameStuff” to “Name All The Things”
  • Added this README
  • Refactored naming code for readability
  • Removed dead code and unused files
  • Added mod icon

Version 1.0 - 2014-07-22

Initial version by Sheeo