System call number generator
This tool has been DEPRECATED in favor of the python tool that lives in the repository.
— @japaric, 2017-04-01
System call number generator
$ docker run -it japaric/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu:v0.1.4
# Within the docker image
$ sc-gen aarch64-linux-gnu
/* Automatically generated by sc-gen 0.1.0 */
// pub const _LLSEEK: usize = __NR__llseek;
// pub const _NEWSELECT: usize = __NR__newselect;
// pub const _SYSCTL: usize = __NR__sysctl;
pub const ACCEPT: usize = 202;
pub const ACCEPT4: usize = 242;
// pub const ACCESS: usize = __NR_access;
pub const ACCT: usize = 89;
pub const ADD_KEY: usize = 217;
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