项目作者: speleotica

项目描述 :
Walls Cave Survey data I/O
高级语言: TypeScript
项目地址: git://github.com/speleotica/walls.git
创建时间: 2020-03-22T21:26:51Z

开源协议:MIT License



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Types and I/O methods for Walls Cave Survey data file formats

I’m not going to go to much trouble to document it here unless people ask,
the types are pretty self-explanatory:


Types and factory functions for AST nodes of .srv (survey) files


  1. import { formatWallsSrvFile } from '@speleotica/walls/srv'

It takes a WallsSrvFile, and optionally an options hash with a write function.
If you don’t provide write, it will return the output as a string. Otherwise,
it will call write with chunks of data, so you can pass write connected to a
file write stream.


Types and factory functions for AST nodes of .wpj (project) files


  1. import { formatWallsWpjFile } from '@speleotica/walls/wpj'

It takes a WallsWpjFile, and optionally an options hash with a write function.
If you don’t provide write, it will return the output as a string. Otherwise,
it will call write with chunks of data, so you can pass write connected to a
file write stream.


  1. import { writeWallsProject } from '@speleotica/walls/node'

Writes the .wpj file and .srv files of a project to disk.


wpjPath (string, required)

The path to write the project file to

wpj (WallsProjectFile, required)

The project file AST. .srv files will only be written for WallsProjectSurvey nodes with a content property.