Constant value for an AXI master streaming interface
This repo contains scripts to recreate an IP block that sets the inputs of a slave AXI streaming interface to logic level zero. The project is setup for Zedboard, although it would be easy to change to other boards assuming you have some basic TCL skills.
The valid and data output ports are stuck to zero. The ready input is just unused.
This repository might have custom IPs included as git submodules. Thus, the following command is required to download all its dependencies.
git clone --recursive<repo-name>.git
If you already cloned the repository without --recursive
, then run the following command to download all the submodules.
git submodule update --init --recursive
Refer to this tutorial to learn how to manage submodules.
These scripts are assuming Linux operation system (Ubuntu 18.04) and Vivado 2018.2.
Follow these instructions to recreate the Vivado and SDK projects:
These scripts will recreate the entire Vivado project, compile the design, generate the bitstream, export the hardware to SDK, create the SDK projects, import the source files, build all projects, and finally download both the bitstream and the elf application. Hopefully, all these steps will be executed automatically.
These scripts come from a template repository and they get updated and improved over time. If you wish to get the latest script version, then follow these steps:
git remote add template
git fetch --all
git merge --no-commit --no-ff template/master --allow-unrelated-histories
Solve any conflict manually and then commit.
The scripts are based on the excellent scripts from fpgadesigner plus few increments from my own such as project generalization, support to SDK project creation and compilation and other minor improvements.