项目作者: tudrescu

项目描述 :
高级语言: Shell
项目地址: git://github.com/tudrescu/kafka-wireshark-debug-workshop.git
创建时间: 2020-01-16T14:50:21Z



Decrypt TLS traffic to Kafka using Wireshark

Usually, debugging issues related to TLS in a Java application involves setting the debug flag -Djavax.net.debug=ALL. Unfortunately, the STDOUT will then be flooded with debug entries, which makes troubleshooting the TLS communication difficult.
Moreover, sometimes the problem can be solved just by decrypting the TLS traffic.

One way to achieve this is to use jSSLKeyLog, which is a Java Agent Library to log TLS session keys to a file that can be loaded into the Wireshark network protocol analyzer.

Coupled with the recently improved Kafka Protocol support in Wireshark, this makes decrypting TLS traffic to/from Kafka captured using the tcpdump packet sniffer easy.


Instrument the Kafka Broker and/or Kafka Client with the jSSLKeyLog agent by adding the JVM flag

  1. -javaagent:/path/to/jSSLKeyLog.jar==/path/to/ssl-key.log

when starting the respective process. The Kafka Broker can be easily instrumented by appending the flag to the KAFKA_OPTS Environment Variable.

Then, use the tcpdump packet sniffer to capture the traffic to/from the Kafka Broker SSL listener, for example by running

  1. sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -N -A 'port 9093' -w /path/to/trace.pcap

on the Kafka Broker (adjust the interface, port or path to the packet capture file accordingly).

After the capture finished, open the packet capture file trace.pcap using Wireshark. Without configuring the session key log, the TLS payload will be displayed as “Application Data”.

Next, configure the location of the session key log generated by jSSLKeyLog in choosing Edit > Preferences > Protocols > TLS > (Pre)-Master-Secret log filename in Wireshark.

This allows us to inspect the decrypted TLS payload. To also take advantage of the Kafka Decoder in Wireshark, select Analyze > Decode As > Kafka as the dissection protocol.

As a result, Wireshark will display the decoded Kafka API Request/Response pairs.


The accompanying play-book provides a quick way to test the procedure described above using Docker Compose.


The demo uses versions of Wireshark and kafkacat not (yet) available in the standard package repositories.

  • the attached Makefile will build several Docker containers with the needed versions by downloading the source code and compiling the required binaries.
  • the jSSLKeyLog Agent will also be built from source and the artifact saved in the tools directory. The directory will then be mounted inside the Docker containers running the Kafka Broker(s) and the agent attached via

    1. KAFKA_OPTS: "-javaagent:/tmp/tools/jSSLKeyLog.jar==/tmp/ssl-key-log/output.log"

To build all the required components, simply run

  1. make build-all

Important: building the required Docker containers requires some time as Wireshark is a complex application.

Running the demo

  • clone this repository

  • bootstrap the environment

    1. make build-all
  • create a local CA, Server and Client certificates

    1. make certs
  • launch the Docker Compose stack

    1. docker-compose up -d
  • start a Docker container running tcpdump and attach to the container running the Kafka Broker, see also Using tcpdump with docker

    1. docker run \
    2. --tty \
    3. --net=container:kafka-1 \
    4. -v ${PWD}/work/tcpdump-trace:/tmp/tcpdump-trace \
    5. docker-tcpdump:latest \
    6. tcpdump -N -A 'port 9093' -w /tmp/tcpdump-trace/trace.pcap
  • run the kafkacat Docker container and produce some messages

    1. docker-compose exec kafkacat bash
    2. kafkacat -b kafka-1:9093 -L -F /tmp/certs/kafkacat.conf
    3. kafkacat -b kafka-1:9093 -t new_topic -P -F /tmp/certs/kafkacat.conf
  • stop the packet capture using tcpdump

  • open the packet capture using Wireshark. For convenience, the Docker stack provides a containerized Wireshark which is made available in the browser using Xpra.
    Access the Wireshark via the browser at


  • configure Wireshark to decode the Kafka TLS traffic as detailed here. The session key log and the packet capture are saved in the ${PWD}\work\ssl-key-log and ${PWD}\work\tcpdump-trace respectively. The directories are mounted in read-only mode inside the Wireshark container under the /home/wireshark/work path.

  • stop and destroy the stack when finished

    1. docker-compose down -v


With this approach, we can easily capture and decode TLS traffic to troubleshoot Kafka related issues by inspecting the Kafka protocol requests and responses. The improved support for the dissection of the Kafka protocol available in the latest Wireshark releases might also prove valuable when trying to understand how Kafka works internally.
