项目作者: flexnst
项目描述 :
LG WebOS TV control with Laravel
高级语言: PHP
项目地址: git://github.com/flexnst/laravel-lgtv.git
Control LG WebOS TV with Laravel
The package allows you to control the status of LG Smart TVs based on WebOS, switch channels, control sound, launch applications and emulate pressing buttons on the remote control.
composer require flexnst/laravel-lgtv
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Flexnst\LgTv\LgTvServiceProvider" --tag=config
Usage examples
Discover TV ip address on network:
$ip = \LgTv::device()->discover();
Start TV:
TV off:
Show float message on TV screen:
Support many devices
// config/lgtv.php
return [
'devices' => [
'tv1' => [
'ip' => env('LGTV_TV1_IP'),
'mac' => env('LGTV_TV1_MAC'),
'key_path' => storage_path('lgtv_tv1.key')
'default' => 'tv1'
Available methods
- discover(bool $as_array = false)
- is_on()
- turn_on()
- turn_off()
- show_float(string $message)
- open_browser_at(string $url)
- get_mute()
- set_mute(bool $status)
- toggle_mute()
- channels($hidden = false)
- get_channel()
- set_channel(string $channelId)
- get_volume()
- set_volume(int $volumelevel)
- input_play()
- input_pause()
- input_stop()
- input_forward()
- input_rewind()
- input_enter()
- input_channel_up()
- input_channel_down()
- input_volume_up()
- input_volume_down()
- input_backspace(int $countCharacters)
- input_three_d_on()
- input_three_d_off()
- get_audio_status()
- get_sw_info()
- get_services()
- get_apps()
- open_app_with_payload(array $payload)
- start_app(string $appid)
- close_app(string $appid)
- open_youtube_by_url(string $url)
- open_youtube_by_id(string $id)
- button(string $button)