UI kit for bmg applications. Live Example:
A mindsmash-ui fork for bmg.
See license notes below.
$ bower install bmg-ui
Include the theme variables before adding any bootstrap files
You need to install boostrap yourself (
$ bower install bootstrap-sass
), as it is no
dependency of this project (the css version already includes bootstrap).
@import "path/to/bmg-ui/dist/scss/variables"; // to override bootstrap's variables
@import "/path/to/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap"; // load original bootstrap
@import "path/to/bmg-ui/dist/scss/bmg-ui"; // then load our own styles
Include the bmg-ui.css to your website, it includes
the complete bootstrap css files:
<!-- add the bmg-ui theme -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/bmg-ui/css/bmg-ui.css">
<!-- then add your custom styles -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/custom.css">
You need:
Clone the project, then follow the instructions below.
$ npm install
Install all dependencies
$ gulp dev
Start development mode: a demo page is started. Edit html or scss and see updates in realtime
To test UI-Kit changes with an existing project that has an dependency to the BMG UI-Kit you can use the bower link functionality.
bower link
within the UI-Kit root to create a global linkbower link bmg-ui
within the package that requires the UI-Kit (a link “overrides” an installed UI-Kit version)Please also read the documentation for the bower link functionality.
$ gulp build
Create new release files in dist/
$ npm version <patch|minor|major>
Automatically update package.json and create a git tag.
$ git push --follow-tags
Push the tagged version, this creates a new bower version.
Please merge the master-branch for the GitHub preview into the gh-pages-branch.
If you want to contribute to this project, simply fork it on Github, do your changes and create a pull request that
describes your changes. If it’s all nice and clean, it might get merged.
Please keep always in mind that a BMG UI-Kit change/improvement can affect other BMG applications.
If you want to add a new feature please consider/decide whether this improvement should be
This project is made open source for documentation purposes only and must not be used without prior written approval of mindsmash GmbH.
Copyright 2016 mindsmash GmbH - All rights reserved.