An utility autocomplete UI library to use with Chakra UI
An Accessible Autocomplete Utility for Chakra UI that composes Downshift ComboBox
*Warning This Package is still WIP at the Moment and there might be some missing features
npm install --save chakra-ui-autocomplete
import React from 'react'
import { CUIAutoComplete } from 'chakra-ui-autocomplete'
export interface Item {
label: string;
value: string;
const countries = [
{ value: "ghana", label: "Ghana" },
{ value: "nigeria", label: "Nigeria" },
{ value: "kenya", label: "Kenya" },
{ value: "southAfrica", label: "South Africa" },
{ value: "unitedStates", label: "United States" },
{ value: "canada", label: "Canada" },
{ value: "germany", label: "Germany" }
export default function App() {
const [pickerItems, setPickerItems] = React.useState(countries);
const [selectedItems, setSelectedItems] = React.useState<Item[]>([]);
const handleCreateItem = (item: Item) => {
setPickerItems((curr) => [...curr, item]);
setSelectedItems((curr) => [...curr, item]);
const handleSelectedItemsChange = (selectedItems?: Item[]) => {
if (selectedItems) {
return (
label="Choose preferred work locations"
placeholder="Type a Country"
onSelectedItemsChange={(changes) =>
import React from 'react'
import { CUIAutoComplete } from 'chakra-ui-autocomplete'
const countries = [
{ value: "ghana", label: "Ghana" },
{ value: "nigeria", label: "Nigeria" },
{ value: "kenya", label: "Kenya" },
{ value: "southAfrica", label: "South Africa" },
{ value: "unitedStates", label: "United States" },
{ value: "canada", label: "Canada" },
{ value: "germany", label: "Germany" }
export default function App() {
const [pickerItems, setPickerItems] = React.useState(countries);
const [selectedItems, setSelectedItems] = React.useState([]);
const handleCreateItem = (item) => {
setPickerItems((curr) => [...curr, item]);
setSelectedItems((curr) => [...curr, item]);
const handleSelectedItemsChange = (selectedItems) => {
if (selectedItems) {
return (
label="Choose preferred work locations"
placeholder="Type a Country"
onSelectedItemsChange={{(changes) => {
import React from 'react'
import { Text, Flex, Avatar } from '@chakra-ui/react'
import { CUIAutoComplete } from 'chakra-ui-autocomplete'
const countries = [
{ value: "ghana", label: "Ghana" },
{ value: "nigeria", label: "Nigeria" },
{ value: "kenya", label: "Kenya" },
{ value: "southAfrica", label: "South Africa" },
{ value: "unitedStates", label: "United States" },
{ value: "canada", label: "Canada" },
{ value: "germany", label: "Germany" }
export default function App() {
const [pickerItems, setPickerItems] = React.useState(countries);
const [selectedItems, setSelectedItems] = React.useState([]);
const handleCreateItem = (item) => {
setPickerItems((curr) => [...curr, item]);
setSelectedItems((curr) => [...curr, item]);
const handleSelectedItemsChange = (selectedItems) => {
if (selectedItems) {
const customRender = (selected) => {
return (
<Flex flexDir="row" alignItems="center">
<Avatar mr={2} size="sm" name={selected.label} ></Avatar>
const customCreateItemRender = (value) => {
return (
<Box as='span'>Create</Box>{' '}
<Box as='span' bg='red.300' fontWeight='bold'>
return (
rounded: 'full'
label="Choose preferred work locations"
placeholder="Type a Country"
onSelectedItemsChange={(changes) =>
Property | Type | Required | Decscription |
items | Array | Yes | An array of the items to be selected within the input field |
placeholder | string | The placeholder for the input field | |
label | string | Yes | Input Form Label to describe the activity or process |
highlightItemBg | string | For accessibility, you can define a custom color for the highlight color when user is typing also accept props like yellow.300 based on chakra theme provider |
onCreateItem | Function | Yes | Function to handle creating new Item |
optionFilterFunc | Function | You can define a custom Function to handle filter logic | |
itemRenderer | Function | Custom Function that can either return a JSX Element or String, in order to control how the list items within the Dropdown is rendered | |
labelStyleProps | Object | Custom style props based on chakra-ui for labels, Example `{{ bg: ‘gray.100’, pt: ‘4’}} | |
inputStyleProps | Object | Custom style props based on chakra-ui for input field, Example`{{ bg: ‘gray.100’, pt: ‘4’}} | |
toggleButtonStyleProps | Object | Custom style props based on chakra-ui for toggle button, Example `{{ bg: ‘gray.100’, pt: ‘4’}} | |
tagStyleProps | Object | Custom style props based on chakra-ui for multi option tags, Example`{{ bg: ‘gray.100’, pt: ‘4’}} | |
listStyleProps | Object | Custom style props based on chakra-ui for dropdown list, Example `{{ bg: ‘gray.100’, pt: ‘4’}} | |
listItemStyleProps | Object | Custom style props based on chakra-ui for single list item in dropdown, Example`{{ bg: ‘gray.100’, pt: ‘4’}} | |
selectedIconProps | Object | Custom style props based on chakra-ui for the green tick icon in dropdown list, Example `{{ bg: ‘gray.100’, pt: ‘4’}} | |
icon | Object | CheckCircleIcon | @chakra-ui/icons Icon to be displayed instead of CheckCircleIcon |
hideToggleButton | boolean | Hide the toggle button | |
disableCreateItem | boolean | Disable the “create new” list Item. Default is false |
createItemRenderer | Function | Custom Function that can either return a JSX Element or String, in order to control how the create new item within the Dropdown is rendered. The input value is passed as the first function parameter, Example: (value) => `Create ${value}` |
renderCustomInput | Function | Custom function to render input from outside chakra-ui-autocomplete. Receives input props for the input element and toggleButtonProps for the toggle button. Can use this to render chakra-ui’s <InputGroup> . Example: (inputProps) => (<InputGroup><InputLeftElement pointerEvents="none" children={<PhoneIcon color="gray.300" ></PhoneIcon>} /><Input {...inputProps} /></InputGroup>) |
chakra-ui components
that will render in place of Tags, MenuList, TextInput, Form Label
will check render props or headless UI patterns.Arafat Zahan 💻 | João Viana 💻 | Hamed Sedighi 💻 | Akash Singh 💻 | Anthony Master 📖 ⚠️ 💻 | Vidur Murali 💻 | Marco Nalon ⚠️ 💻 📖 | U.M Andrew 📖 ⚠️ 💻 | sr.cristofher 📖 |
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MIT © koolamusic