项目作者: SIGBlockchain

项目描述 :
Terminal client for interacting with Aurum network
高级语言: Go
项目地址: git://github.com/SIGBlockchain/aurum_client.git
创建时间: 2019-06-25T01:49:44Z

开源协议:MIT License


Aurum Client



  • Navigate to the releases page
  • Download the archive file compatible with your operating system.
  • Extract the archive in a secure folder.
  • Run client --setup to setup your wallet.
  • Your wallet address, balance, and state nonce will be displayed.
  • A new file will be generated called aurum_wallet.json
  • It is strongly recommended you make a copy of your aurum_wallet.json and store it in a secure location.
  • This file contains your private key. If you lose your key you will be unable to access your account.


  • To display your wallet contents at any time, run client --info
  • To sync your wallet with the blockchain, run client --update
  • To send Aurum, run client --send <AmountToBeSent> --to <RecipientWalletAddress>


Aurum is a proprietary UIC ACM blockchain project. The current planned use case is a token to be exchanged among students. The aurum client is for accessing the Aurum network. If you wish to be a producer, please visit Project Aurum for the producer application.


If you would like to contribute, please comment on an issue you’d like to take on. Then, make a branch based on dev. Once you’ve completed the issue make a pull request from your branch to dev. If you have any questions simply ask in a comment on the issue.


  • First and foremost a big thank you to everyone who has worked on the SIG Blockchain team, both past and present.
  • Thank you to the Association of Computing Machinery UIC Chapter, for providing the support that SIG Blockchain has needed to thrive.
  • Shoutout to calvinmorett for providing us with the awesome Aurum logo.


MIT License