项目作者: mjdall

项目描述 :
Scraping Pinterest for thousands of labelled images sounds like fun?
高级语言: Jupyter Notebook
项目地址: git://github.com/mjdall/pinterest_scraper.git
创建时间: 2021-05-09T08:28:03Z



Pinterest Scraper DNN Practice


Welcome to my pinterest scraper DNN practice repository.
The idea is pretty vague at the moment, I’ve written a pinterest scraper to
scrape images from pinterest. Part of the scraper scrapes the recommended pins,
I intend to use these as labels in order to fine-tune a DNN and eventually extract
embeddings from the fine-tuned DNN.

Once I’ve got embeddings, running umap
will allow me to visualise the image dataset in 3-dimensions, which could be
pretty cool. I know style transfer is possible but I’ll need to look into it a
bit more, but I intend to play around with that also.

Finally, I can package this all up as a pipeline that can produce a
3d-visualisation and image search by providing user-queries for pinterest.
For example you could provide “dogs” and “cats” as labels to the pipeline.
We can then scrape 1000+ images per label to quickly run through and fine-tune
a DNN to finally produce embeddings and enable visualisation.

I’m sure I’ll think of more functionality once I’ve got the initial pipeline
setup. Enjoy!

Pinterest Scraper TODO

  • write the pinterest scraper
  • use the scraper to collect labelled data
  • refactor the data collection notebook into a python class

DNN Work

  • have a look into popular DNN’s for image classification
    • effecientnet - seems to be the most popular currently
  • figure out how to use a fine-tuned DNN to perform a semantic search
  • look into extracting style from images
  • experiment with style transfer
  • look into semantic style similarity - semantic similarity but on style-based embedding layer
  • run umap/pacmap on the image embeddings

Embedding Visualisation

  • render umap translation in 3d via web app
  • visual semantic similarity - KNN or some graph-based visualisation
  • HDBSCAN applied to images for visualisation?


  • Pull a whole lot of labels from pinterest
  • Remove colours from images for training

Web App

  • Create shiny application for interacting with the model and the embeddings